Friday, September 16, 2011

The Rainforest Room at Senses Spa On Board The Disney Dream

As some of you might know I turned 30 on August 29th and never had been to a spa. I have never had a professional massage, maybe someday.  I felt like I was really missing out, because even little kids go to spas. Every time I thought I would get to go, something happened to where it just didn’t work out. Being a single mom, alone time is very important so I thought it was something I wanted to experience.  Recently, when we were on our Disney Cruise, I had the chance to have a spa day. It only took me thirty years to get one. I was offered a day pass to The Rainforest Room at the Senses Spa on the Disney Dream. I was really looking forward to it. I had to work while on the cruise. I had to relax.  I might not have done it, if I wasn’t doing it for my blog.  I took Noah down to the Oceaneer Lab and off I went.  The cool thing about the Navigator was you know what time things are going on.  So, I knew that  Super Sloppy Science was not during the time that Noah was going to be there.  I was armed with my wave phone and a prayer that he wouldn’t want me to pick him up for a while. He knew that it was a blog thing and he had to stay for a bit, while I worked.  Yes, I worked on my cruise, they made me relax, not the typical work task.

I went up to deck 11 and in to The Senses Spa, where I redeemed my certificate for The Rainforest Room.  They handed me a comfortable robe, and pointed me to the changing room and told me to leave my belongings in a locker.  Well, I left my wave phone in the bag in my locker. I didn’t want it to get ruined and I just didn’t really want to be bothered.  I was having a selfish moment I guess.  I knew Noah was in good hands, he knew I was at the spa. If they really needed me they could find me. During one of the sessions they had spa bingo and Matt the entertainment host was talking about the ceramic heated chairs.  I thought that sounded amazing, so that is where I went first. I could have sat there for forever.  You have the ocean view that just makes you relax. The heat felt so good. I felt like I was butter melting in to the chair. It wasn’t too hot, it was just right. I actually sat in the chairs twice.  I also went to the hot tub, it was perfect, the water was pretty hot, which is the way I like it.  Everything was inside the boat, with huge windows. I really didn’t want to be outside because I was burnt and I didn’t want to burn worse. 

There were some things in The Rainforest that I didn’t really care for. It is probably just a personal preference, but the idea is cool. They have these showers and each one is a different rainforest experience.  Each experience has three different settings.  I didn’t like that most of the experiences were freezing cold. Thankfully there were other guests saying this one is cold, this one is hot, which was extremely helpful after a few cold showers. Maybe I should have stood right under the shower. It wasn’t that big of a deal, just not my favorite.  I also went in to a steam room.  I am not sure if it was just me but I walked in and walked back out. It was too steamy for me. Maybe I am not used to it, but I had trouble breathing and at this point, I knew that the lab was texting to come pick up Noah. I checked the wave phone and called them to make sure it wasn’t an emergency or that he wasn’t really upset.  I talked to him and I talked to the crew and told them I was at the spa and that I would pick him up at 2 pm.  I was really able to relax and have some alone time with beautiful views and quiet places to do so.

I highly recommend you spend some time in a spa, just to rejuvenate and relax.   Check out Senses Spa aboard the Disney Dream.

For more information, check out Sense Spa & Salon and be sure to book a special spa treatment on your Disney Cruise.

Thank you to Disney Cruise Lines for providing me with a complimentary Rainforest Pass for me to try out the Rainforest Room. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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