Friday, May 10, 2013

How to Make Homemade Butter

Almost everyone loves butter.  I know that I do! I didn’t realize how easy it is to make.  You don’t need to bust out your butter churn. You don’t need to spend hours for this delicious treasure.  It is easy peasy.  This would be great for those who are very picky about what is added to their food.  It is also extremely fresh, which really makes a huge difference in my opinion. If you are organic, you can use organic ingredients. You don’t have to buy butter anymore. Butter is expensive. It is actually more cost efficient to make it yourself.  You can make it with three ingredients.  It’s one of those things you are like why didn’t I think of that?  I know I do that all the time on Pinterest.  This is a great activity to do with your kids.

Homemade Butter:

Heavy Cream



Pour some cream in a good seal-able container. Add a pinch of sugar and some salt. Cover it and shake shake shake your butter.

You will have to shake it for about five minutes roughly.  First it turns to whipped cream, and then you will hear the whey separate. My mom says the whey is good, but I didn’t try it.  Keep shaking and shaking.  Soon you will hear a really wet shaking noise.  The butter should be in a ball.  Drain off the whey and Voila! You just made butter!

It’s so delicious and fresh. I would recommend doing this before a meal, as the freshness is part of it.
Have you ever made butter? If you try this, let me know what you think.


  1. I don't have much time I would prefer to buy it in a tub LOL

  2. We love making homemade butter :)

  3. We've done this before -- it's fun and YUMMY!

  4. I'll definitely have to try this out! Thanks!

  5. We make butter all the time here!

  6. Never knew this!! Crazy how easy that is!

  7. Wow, I didnt realize it would be so simple.

  8. We did this as part of a project in jr. high & it was so cool! I have been wanting to do it with my son, thanks for the reminder :)

  9. Interesting. Who would of thought? I had no idea making butter was that easy.

  10. We did this during Colonial Days at my son's school, using small baby food jars. The kids loved it.

  11. I've over whipped my cream into butter a couple times, since I like it stiff, sort of close to the edge.

  12. That would be such a fun activity to do with the kids over summer break.

  13. Ooh, thanks for recording these ingredients. My daughter has made butter before as a science experiment but I didn't know how to recreate it myself.

  14. I love making butter! Well, almost as much as I love eating it.

  15. I would have thought of making my own butter.

  16. Ohhhh I've never made butter! Gonna have to try this!

  17. My boys love making their own butter!

  18. What an awesome idea! I've never tried to make butter before!

  19. I have never even thought of making my own butter! I didn't know it was that easy!

  20. I always make butter with my kiddos in school -- but only with an air tight container and mable :)

  21. I have made this with my kids before, and it is lots of fun!

  22. I definitely want to try this out. I've never even thought of this before.

  23. I'll have to try this some time.

  24. I remember making butter when I was a kid! I've never done it with my own children, but now I am inspired to! Thanks!
