Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Signs that God is in my life

This is a post in partnership with All thoughts and opinions are my own.

When you think about God you may have some questions. That is totally normal because not everyone grows up in a family where God is the center of their life. You can decide to have God in your life at any stage. God loves you regardless. It doesn't matter what you have done in the past. God's Love is unconditional. 

 How to know if God is in your life:

You might wonder how you know if God is in your life. The truth is simple. God is always there. You may or may not acknowledge God, but his presence is there. He is waiting for you to make the choice. One of my friends has recently decided he wants God in his life. I have known him for a very long time. That makes my heart so happy to know that he is interested in God. I know he believed in something but not actively seeking in the past.  We talk about God now and he is starting to feel Him in his life. 

  How I knew God was in my life:

I remember when I first really felt like God was in my life. I grew up going to church and knowing God. It wasn't until I was older when I really understood what it felt like. It wasn't until I felt the Holy Ghost was it something that I could grasp. At that point, my thoughts of loving God and having him in my life had shifted. It felt different. Feeling the Holy Ghost is something that I can't even describe. It's the most amazing feeling in the world. It feels like everything is brighter. You are just so happy and so relaxed. You don't worry about anything. You just are at total peace. Whatever problems you have melt away and you are just enveloped in God's arms. 

Will I feel different?

You can also feel when God is in your life when you feel different. If you don't want to do things you did in the past because you know it would take you away from God. You become more aware of your actions and thoughts. You still have free will of course, but you think more wisely before you do things. You also might feel more generous and want to help others.

What about prayer? 

Prayer is some times made out to be some complex thing that has to be formal. It's really not, you just talk to God like you would talk to anyone. There's no right or wrong way to do it. You can do it anywhere. You might find yourself praying more often. You may pray to heal the sick. Prayer is a fancy word for talking to God. Pour your heart out to God and He will listen.


Helping others through God's example:

 I like to randomly pay for people's groceries when they don't have a lot in their cart. It just feels like something I should do. I feel like God lays it on my heart and I do it. It doesn't matter if they appear to be struggling or not. I like to pass it on. I have needed help in the past. I know God laid it on their heart to help me. I recently purchase 48 pairs of underwear for my local homeless community, because I felt like I should. When God is in your life, he may ask you to do something. If you don't do it, God won't be mad, he loves us without conditions or expectations. 

The most important way to know that you have God in your life is because you have faith and know The Bible is the truth. Faith is an amazing thing. It can change your life and open your heart up to a new and eternal life. 

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