Showing posts with label Dear blank Please blank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear blank Please blank. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear PR and Companies Please...

Have you ever heard of the website Dear Blank, Please Blank? It is a website where you can submit your letters to people or things and most of them are really funny. My friends Ben and Amber got me addicted to it.  I could spend hours reading it.  I decided after a failed attempt of submitting my own Dear Blank, Please Blank letter.  I would make a post about Dear Blank Please Blank Blogger addition.  This is about some things bloggers have noticed in the blogosphere that I wanted to share with you.

Please note: This is just in fun, not something that is to offend and is a purely humor post.

Dear PR,

Please stop asking us to blog for a chance to win something. Blogging is our job.

Do they hold a raffle for your paycheck?

Dear PR,

The smiley in word doesn’t translate to a smiley in email.

I spent  10 months trying to figure out who J is

Dear Companies,

Please don’t try and trade us Twitter Followers and Facebook fans to hold your giveaways.

My grocery store doesn’t accept followers as a form of payment

Dear Companies,

Please don’t use more traffic as an incentive to get us to blog about you.

They don’t take traffic either

Dear Companies,

Please stop filling packages with those little crinkled pieces of paper.

They are pretty but they make a huge mess

Dear PR,

Please send full sized products, especially when it is a beauty product.

One or half an application won’t help me review

Dear PR,

Please be thoughtful when you are sending toys to review.

Moms with more than one child

Dear Event planners,

Please make a note when you are inviting a blogger to a show in New York.

I live 1000 miles away

Dear Companies,

Please read our blogs and get to know our families.

Why are you pitching me for that?

Dear PR,

Please when you plan for brand trips invite different bloggers, I am sure they are great but share the wealth.

Never been on a brand trip

Dear Companies,

Please send me ice cream, but sending it overnight in dry ice is not necessary.

Coupons are cheaper to send

Dear PR,

Please call me Sheila that is why my blog is Sheilacakes.

If my name was blogger my blog would be Bloggercakes

Dear PR,

Please stop sending me irrelevant press releases about celebrities’ clothes or what products they use.

I am not Vogue or Parents Magazine

Dear PR and Companies,

Please don’t offer samples when you have none.

Still waiting for my really expensive watch

Dear PR and Companies,

Please stop pitching me saying you have samples and then run out of them.

Don’t pitch more than you have.

Dear Companies and PR,

I would love a vacation just so you know.

The Mom blogger with a whinny five year old