Showing posts with label Driving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Driving. Show all posts

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How do you like to Travel?

Growing up we drove to most places when we traveled. I didn't mind riding in the car. I did get bouts of car sickness. I took medicine in a spoonful of peanut butter. Now as an adult I don't care for plain peanut butter. Noah has flown a lot. He had his first flight at eight months old. We also took our first major car trip when he was two months old. I think it has to do with preferences. When we visit my aunt and uncle in California we always fly. That's a really long drive. They always drive when they come visit us though. They bring their pups and always make a lot of side trips. One year they went to Texas to see my aunt and cousins. They also drove to Florida and South Carolina to see my sister. They stopped in Tennessee and ended up at my aunt's parents to see everyone else. When you fly, you can't do that. The days of meeting family or friends at the airport during a layover is no one longer permitted unless you go back through security. That just doesn't seem worth it. I wish I had my own jet and I could fly anywhere or a chauffeur in a huge comfortable car that could drive me anywhere.  Until teleporting is a viable travel method we ponder the question do we travel by car or by plane? There is so much to consider when planning your method of travel.

Check out my post about Car vs Plane Travel for important things to consider.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Importance of Car Winter Safety Kits

Sometimes your car has trouble, maybe it's your car malfunctioning and maybe it's the weather, and maybe it's an accident. You could get a flat tire or run out of gas. You need to prepare for these situations. I remember times my cousin and I would run out of gas in her car. I am pretty sure her gas gauge had problems. We were lucky enough where it would happen close to a gas station or as we were pulling in to it. There has been other times where the car has died or we were stuck in the snow. The Midwest is great for snow. It always makes me laugh when southern states get an inch of snow and everyone freaks out. I understand they aren't used to it but I still makes me chuckle a little. There are certain things you can keep in your car in case of an emergency. Regardless where you live I recommend car safety kits for all drivers. The weather can be unpredictable. It could be 54 degrees one day and then the next day have four inches of snow fall in one afternoon. You don't want to be stuck without supplies or food in subzero temps. Having a well put together winter safety kit could help save your life or help someone who you see stranded.

Here's how to make a Winter safety kit  for all drivers

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Learning how to Drive

It’s time for yet another Sheilacakes confession.  I don’t have a driver’s license.  I don’t mean that I don’t have one because I lost it or it was suspended.  I mean I don’t know how to drive.  I know that is kind of weird. I just didn’t have a desire to drive. I didn’t get excited about getting my first car or anything.  When I was sixteen a friend of mine was in a serious car accident and became paralyzed so, I was not in any hurry to learn how to drive or get my license. Now that I am a mom to a kindergartener, who has all kinds of programs, has to be taken to and from school, and loves to go to the library, it is about that time to learn.   

Here in Florida, you have to take a written test to get your permit now.  I don’t know a whole lot about driving, besides what I learned from riding in a car.  I would probably have to study. I don’t want to have to take it a bunch of times. I don’t have time for that.   I don’t even know what all you need to know for the test.  I have thought about doing private driving lessons.  I don’t want to be a 31 year old mom who is in driver’s education courses with 15 year olds.  They are immature and wouldn’t take the class seriously. I am too old and too busy to have kids goofing off when I am trying to actually learn.  Thankfully, with the internet and sites about driver’s education, I will be in a good place to start looking for a school to attend to be able to drive. My Grandma Rose didn’t drive either. I think she drove once and that was enough for her.  My grandpa always did all the driving and he didn’t mind one bit.

Do you know any adults that don’t know how to drive?