Showing posts with label Educational apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Educational apps. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2013

iTrace iPad App Review

 Now that Noah is in school he has to write a lot more. His handwriting isn't the best but it is legible.  He is only six but handwriting is something he needs to practice. He knows all of his letters and how to read but he hasn't mastered how tall to make a lowercase t. Sometimes he forgets how long the lowercase p is. He needs to have a way to practice more. I have him write it on paper. If he does it wrong I ask him to try again.  He is always in a hurry so I think that has something to do with it.  I am having him slow down and make sure he is making the letters the proper size. 

He loves to spend time using technology. I think that with the educational apps that in moderation he can use them as a learning tool.  It doesn't replace traditional learning but it can supplement it. A great app called iTrace came out yesterday. It is definitely the answer for us. It teaches Noah about letters and how big they are supposed to be. I am sure it will help him and let him have fun at the same time. I used to teach at a Montessori school  and I know that when a child learns letters they trace them a couple times. They also write them in sand a couple times. It is kind of the same concept but a lot less messy. 

Here is some information about iTrace from the developer:
iTrace Features
- 600+ different rewards
- 50 animated objects
- Supports multiple players
- Saves the entire history of each child's progress
- Supports multiple methods of writing the same letters
- A simple switch adjusts the entire system for left-handed kids


Not only does iTrace teach your child how to write letters. It also teaches your child to write words. There is a really cool option where your child can write their name and include their picture. You could do this for other members of your family. It would be a great tool to teach your child how to spell and write different names. iTrace also teaches your child how to write sentences. They do it a few times in a row to help them remember. I love that there is a left handed system. I am left handed and I know how much trouble lefty kids can have in a right hand world.  Practice makes perfect. It also has great graphics  and teaching tools so your child will learn maybe without realizing it. 

I am confident that with iTrace and some practice that Noah will improve his handwriting skills a lot. 

iTrace is available on the iPad for $3.99. You can find it in iTunes here.

For more information please visit the iTrace website.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dot to Dot Zoo App Review

When I was younger my favorite thing to do in activity books was the dot to dot puzzles. Now that I am a mom I share my love of dot to dot puzzles with my son. He really likes them and always smiles and gets excited when he finds out what the pictures are. They are great for counting and for fine motor skills. So, when I had the opportunity to review the Dot to Dot App from Rouxbee I was really excited.  I am a sucker for educational apps.  There are so many out there that I am glad that some will actually teach my son something. I love that not only can he do the dot to dot puzzles but also learn about animals. He really likes this app. He loves to play it on my tablet because it is a lot bigger than my iPhone which would be really hard for him. 

Here is more information from the developer:

Dot to Dot: Zoo is designed to encourage exploration of the natural world by collecting and learning about the animals for your child’s zoo. Collecting animals is accomplished through two types of Dot to Dot gameplay: Animals and Letters.
Animal gameplay uses the classic connect the dots experience to teach your child basic number iteration and counting to complete the puzzle. Letter gameplay uses the traditional letter tracing technique to teach your child basic letter formation and handwriting skills to complete the puzzles. This type of learning is the foundation for advancements in overall writing and reading comprehension.
Depending on your child’s age, the game is easy enough for them to play on their own, but is also designed for co-exploration together with your child.

Available On
-          Android
-          iOS
-          Windows Phone
-          Kindle Fire (Available this December)

This app has two versions. There is a free version and a paid version.  I recommend the paid one with maximum features and more puzzles.

Both versions are available in the iTunes App Store and the Google Play Store and Windows Phone
Free or Trial Versions of the app: 

Paid Version of the app:

Coming soon to Kindle Fire and iPad

For more information visit RouxBee Apps website

You can also follow RouxBee on Twitter  

Like the RouxBee Facebook Page

Do you like to do dot to dot puzzles?

Monday, August 13, 2012

GetSum App Review

If you follow me on Twitter or are my friend on Facebook you know that I really enjoy playing scrabble. I have won five times more than I have lost. So when I had a chance to review a really cool app called GetSum I was so excited. GetSum is a game that is a lot like scrabble so I couldn't wait to try it. I downloaded the app from iTunes and started playing. I spent hours playing it. It is addictive. Well math is not my favorite thing, you just use basic math. It's great for kids too. Noah is still a little young but someday he will play GetSum with me. It will give you a refresher in math and make you really think. How do you play do you ask? First you either pick if you want to do pass and play which is if you want to play with more than one person in your reach. You can also play with friends anywhere or a random fellow GetSum player. The idea behind the game instead of words you create equations using plus signs, minus signs, multiplication signs and division. At first it seems really easy but the more tiles you use as the game progresses the harder it is, especially when you are searching for a place to lay your tiles. There are certain places you cannot play on the board and if you add to a math problem it has to be equal to the other side.

When I played, I played myself and I was unable to finish a game before running out of moves. I would just resign and try again to get the hang of it. I wish they had computer players because games that you play with others can take a long time because most of the time they aren't waiting for the game. I think GetSum is a fun and educational game. I am determined to win or complete a game.

GoSum for the iPhone is available for download on the iTunes App Store for $0.99 HERE

GoSum HD for the iPad is available for download on the iTunes App Store for $2.99

 Players can also play the free version of the app with GoSum Free, available on the iTunes App Store GoSum HD Free for the iPad is available for download on the iTunes App Store

For more information about GoSum, please visit their website.  I hope you try it out and let me know what you think.