Showing posts with label free ten dollar credit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free ten dollar credit. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Check Out Yard Sellr and Get a $10 Free Credit!

Everyone knows about garage sales or yard sales, it doesn’t matter what you call them they are the same thing.  This past weekend was our neighborhood yard sales, I wanted to go to them as I had done every year since we have lived here, but I just didn’t have the time. I had so much to do and the thought of dragging Noah around in his wagon was not something I was really looking forward to.  His wagon can be a pain to pull, I would have him walk but we live in a huge neighborhood and I was sure he would get tired.  I came across a website called Yard Sellr. It is pretty much the same thing as a traditional yard sale but it is from your computer. 

You can sell your stuff without actually having to set it all up outside, and spending two or three days sitting outside hoping someone will buy something.  You don’t have to worry about the weather, if it is raining or if might rain. I have had to end a yard sale in the rain and it was not fun at all.  At the end of a traditional yard sale you have to lug all of your items back in and then do it all again the next day.  You don’t really know if you are going to make any money.  I would love to have one but I don’t want to deal with all the hassles of the traditional yard sale.

So, Yard Sellr does all the work for you.  You can list as many items as you want and then an interested buyer will look at your items. This is great if you have some different items that maybe only a few people would be interested in. I know for example, if I were to sell my seasons of Strangers With Candy in a yard sale, chances are they wouldn’t be sold unless my friend Victoria was in town.  No one would be like oooh Strangers with Candy, and then purchase it. That is an example of something that would have a limited audience.  Your listings can be linked to your Facebook and Twitter account to share your items with your friends in your Social Networks. Sometimes you change your mind about selling something, you can easily cancel the listing as long as no one has purchased it.

 You can also buy items on Yard Sellr, with Photons. Photons are Yard Sellr’s form of currency.  When I was scrapbooking a lot I would always look for stamps, and other scrapbooking items. I didn’t really end up finding any. I would now be able to type in scrapbooking items for example and see what is available.  I wouldn’t have to scour through people’ s items and drag my son around to find what I am looking for.  You are not bidding on an item so if you want it, you don’t have to wait 5 days and spend hours trying to get what you want by bidding and making sure no one outbids you. I think it sounds really cool. I am going to definitely see what treasures I can find.

Sign up for Yard Sellr HERE, and you get $10 to start spending. You can earn 1,00,000 photons a day by doing different tasks.  10,000,000 equals ten dollars.  That is a pretty awesome deal. You can’t really earn credits with other sites.  I hope you join Yard Sellr. Maybe I will purchase one of your items.