Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oral B Stages Review

My son’s dental health is really important to me. There are so many choices of kids’ dental health products. Different toothbrushes and toothpastes with all kinds of characters and flavors of toothpaste. It is hard to know what is a good brand to try. I personally like Oral B because they have been around for forever and they have a great reputation. Since I only have one child I was clueless about what type would be best. I carefully looked at all of the choices and it was like it was written in a forgeign language. Which is the right size of toothbrush? When I saw a Thomas one that plays the Thomas theme song, I knew it was the perfect choice and bought it. What is the safest great tasting toothpaste that does its job? Since I couldn’t open up all the tubes of toothpaste and sample a small taste of each I went for the Thomas toothpaste. I figured that Noah would like it. So, that is
how I picked my son’s tooth care products until I learned about Oral B Stages.

I had the opportunity to review an Oral B stages toothbrush and toothpaste. Then I learned that there are different stages according to age and developmental needs along with dental needs. There are four stages:

Stage 1 is for 4 to 24 months: Teething can be unpleasant for everyone. Your baby needs something special that is really gentle on baby’s extra tender gums. During this time your child gets their first tooth and more teeth to follow. It is really important to start taking care of them as soon as they pop up.

Stage 2 is for 2 to 4 years: With small hands and a small mouth your child really needs a toothbrush that has the ability to help them manage brushing their new set of teeth.

Stage 3 is for 5 to 7 years old: Since your child is really getting the hang of brushing their teeth and maybe even experiencing a visit or two from the Tooth Fairy it is important they have a more mature toothbrush to match their growing mouths and bodies. Your child will start to get molars and those can be tricky to reach but with the right toothbrush it will be a snap!

Stage 4 is for 8 years and up: Your child will have a mixture of baby teeth and adult teeth. As you lose your baby teeth and your adult teeth take their place, your child will need a toothbrush that can really clean around gaps as he or she forms a dental care routine.

My son is in stage 2. He got a new Little Einsteins toothbrush and Winnie the Pooh toothpaste. My son loves to brush his teeth which is a good thing. It makes it easy on me. He likes to brush his own teeth. I of course take a turn after he does just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything hiding. Not to mention he is three , he tries to brush them. He is so proud of himself after every time he brushes. His teeth look great. They look really clean.

You all should check out Oral-B Stages' new program with Scrapblog. To educate parents about children’s oral health, Oral-B Stages and Scrapblog have partnered to provide parents a unique and easy way to document key 'Smile-Stages' in their children’s oral health development. Smile-Stages are important milestones in children’s oral health development, such as their first smile or the loss of their first tooth. A Smile-Stage is also a specific time of year when children’s oral health is especially important, like the Halloween and the holidays when kids are eating lots of sugary treats. Parents can capture their children’s best Smile-Stages moments by visiting Smile Stages and creating personalized multimedia scrapbooks that can be viewed and shared online.

I love scrapbooking so this is right up my alley. It would be great for those loved ones that live in other parts of the country or maybe even another country. My dad lives in England so this would be a cool way to share with him pictures of Noah.

Thank you to Oral-B for providing the complimentary Stage 2 toothbrush and toothpaste for my review.

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