When I am picking out toys for Noah for his birthday or Christmas, I tend to buy him wooden toys. I prefer to buy him wooden toys because they seem to last longer than plastic toys. Wooden toys also have a old fashioned toy feel to them and they remind me of toys I used to play with at my grandparents. Noah loves to play with trains, planes, cars etc. He even has a wooden train set. He really likes wooden toys because they are more realistic than plastic ones. He also has wooden blocks that have come in handy before when I am putting things together and I need a wood block.
I had a wooden food set when I was little. I used to “trick” my grandparents in to thinking they were real foods. They would pretend to eat them. Of course they knew they weren’t real but it was fun to play with them. I also had a wooden cradle. That I got for Christmas from my grandparents. I still have the cradle out in the garage. It was probably my favorite Christmas present I received as a child.
My favorite wooden toy that I would play with at my grandparents was my grandpa’s wooden trucks. He was a diesel mechanic. So, he would have wooden trucks given to him as presents or as thank you gifts from one of his clients. We also played with other wooden toys that my grandparents purchased throughout the years. Some of them were old fashioned and I know that my other cousins played with them as well. I am the youngest grandchild so they went through 9 other grandkids and many years of play. I will continue to give Noah wooden toys to play with, and hopefully someday have more children to pass them down to.
What kinds of toys do you prefer to give your children? What do you think about wooden toys? I look forward to reading your comments.
Showing posts with label Must have kid products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Must have kid products. Show all posts
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Piggy Bank for the 21st Century

I have a really cool toy to share with you. I thought my readers with older children would love to hear about this brand new, unique, hi-tech, educational children's toy. The toy is the Ekomini Piggy Bank and it has been designed by educational professionals to promote financial literacy among kids. It features an interactive money box that connects to a computer via USB to provide kids with a fun way to keep track of what they save. I wish I had one of these when I was a kid. I would have to sit and count change all the time back when I did Kool-aid stands and sold other random items. It would also be great if your child is saving for a special toy or game. When Noah gets to be a little older I am going to give him an allowance and I am going to have him save for things he really wants.

Another really cool thing about Ekommini is that kids can take part in virtual adventures in Ekominiville where they learn about saving, spending, donating and investing their money in a fun context. I feel it is important to teach children about money at a young age to prepare them for the future. The Ekomini is currently being launched in North America and is priced at USD 39.99.
For more information please visit http://ekomini.com

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Yummi Bears Review and Giveaway
Vitamins are important to a child’s growth. I decided Noah needed to start taking vitamins. The vitamins I took when I was little were hard and gross tasting. I didn’t really like taking them, but I knew that they would help me grow up strong. I can still taste those hard chalky character vitamins. I am concerned about Noah not liking those same vitamins so I started looking at gummi vitamins. I had the opportunity to try out some Yummi Bears vitamins with Noah. Yummi Bears are gummi vitamins by Hero Naturals. Hero Naturals makes many different varieties of Yummi Bears, for different vitamins including an organic Yummi Bear multi-vitamin. The different vitamins can be taken together. They also make adult gummi vitamins. I have a little trouble with swallowing big pills sometimes so, I really like that I can take a couple gummi vitamins and be done with it.
When we received the multi-vitamins in both original and organic, I wasn’t sure if Noah would like the organic ones, so we started with the original Yummi Bears multi-vitamins. He really liked them and thought that they tasted great. He had no problem taking them and he would even ask me for his vitamins. He also likes to tell me which colors he wants each day. I even sampled one and it was really good.
Once those were gone, we decided to try the organic Yummi Bears. Noah really liked the organic ones. They have a sugary coating so, he calls them sparkle vitamins. I tried an orange one and it tasted like an orange slice jelly candy. I was impressed. Noah told me he likes the organic ones better. I wanted to know his preference so I know which ones to buy. He would be happy with either variety.
Thanks to Hero Naturals for providing complimentary samples for my family to try out and providing an awesome gift pack for the giveaway.
I have a giveaway for you.

One reader will win an awesome gift pack of Yummi Bears products from Hero Naturals
Mandatory entry: Please go to the Hero Naturals website and tell me which product you would like to try.
You must do the main entry for the bonus entries to count.
Bonus Entries:
Subscribe to my blog via email
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Follow @Sheilacakes7 on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post. This can be done once a day.
Tell me who you want to win this awesome gift basket for.
This Giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY.
This giveaway will end on June 23,2010 at 11:59 PM ET
When we received the multi-vitamins in both original and organic, I wasn’t sure if Noah would like the organic ones, so we started with the original Yummi Bears multi-vitamins. He really liked them and thought that they tasted great. He had no problem taking them and he would even ask me for his vitamins. He also likes to tell me which colors he wants each day. I even sampled one and it was really good.
Once those were gone, we decided to try the organic Yummi Bears. Noah really liked the organic ones. They have a sugary coating so, he calls them sparkle vitamins. I tried an orange one and it tasted like an orange slice jelly candy. I was impressed. Noah told me he likes the organic ones better. I wanted to know his preference so I know which ones to buy. He would be happy with either variety.
Thanks to Hero Naturals for providing complimentary samples for my family to try out and providing an awesome gift pack for the giveaway.
I have a giveaway for you.

One reader will win an awesome gift pack of Yummi Bears products from Hero Naturals
Mandatory entry: Please go to the Hero Naturals website and tell me which product you would like to try.
You must do the main entry for the bonus entries to count.
Bonus Entries:
Subscribe to my blog via email
Follow my blog
Follow @Sheilacakes7 on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post. This can be done once a day.
Tell me who you want to win this awesome gift basket for.
This Giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY.
This giveaway will end on June 23,2010 at 11:59 PM ET
Monday, May 24, 2010
OnTray Review!

Ever since I can remember, I have enjoyed those free samples at the grocery store. The more samples the better. I have passed that on to Noah, and he almost always samples something at the store. Normally it is a free cookie from the bakery. I try not to give him the whole thing at once because knowing him he would gobble it right up. I also am trying to teach him to savor his food like I do. I think it is a lot more enjoyable when you take your time to eat. When I get him a cookie I try and break it in to pieces, but it is really hard to push a cart while holding a cookie and protecting it from the germs of the handle. So, when I had the opportunity to review an OnTray I was really excited because many times I have had trouble steering the cart when I am holding all kinds of snacks for Noah.

OnTray is a brilliant invention created by Laura Hamrick who is a mother of three, to make shopping easier when you are shopping with small children. It is a little covered tray that you can put snacks in or coupons in to keep your hands free while you are pushing the shopping cart. You could even fill it with snacks from home if you are not a big sample person like I am. I personally can’t stand when people open things in the store without paying for them first so, it is free samples or a snack from home for my family.
When I received the OnTray, I wanted to go to the store immediately, to try it out. It is such a practical item and definitely made our trip to the grocery store easier. Sometimes I prefill the OnTray, other times I bring it empty. It just depends where we are going. I am pretty familiar with what stores have the free cookies, crackers and other items to try. It is great for things like Cheerios and Goldfish. It works so much better than a plastic bag because Noah tends to spill the bag. Sometimes he isn’t paying attention or he has trouble reaching the bottom of the bag, he just turns it upside down. Then it is like we are Hansel and Gretel and we leave a trail of food behind us in the store or there is a bunch of Cheerios all over the floor in an aisle. I don’t like to make messes and getting smashed up cereal in my shoes is such a pain.
I really like that it costs only $7.00 which is such a bargain for such a lifesaver item. That way if you forget the OnTray on the cart it is easy to replace or have spares. They are also safe for the top rack of the dishwasher making clean up a snap. It is also BPA Free and made in the USA. You could even heat up some chicken nuggets in it in the microwave with the lid off and then take it and go. Some families are really busy and I have seen people bring in what I consider meals in to the grocery store because there is just not time otherwise. Thankfully my family is not that busy and I hope we never are.
For more information please check out the OnTray Website
The OnTray is available at Babies R us and other retailers.
Thank you to OnTray for sending me a complimentary OnTray for my family to try out.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Boogie Wipes are not just for kids

One of my guy friends texted me and told me that he is sick. I asked him what was wrong? He told me he hates his nose. I texted him back and said Here is a mom tip. Go spend 3 or 4 dollars on a package of Boogie Wipes. He asked me what it is and I explained them to him and told him about how they have saline and how saline breaks up mucus. He sounds interested. I told him how awesome they are. I use them and so does Noah. I actually use the more than Noah does.
So, I want to remind everyone that Boogie Wipes are not just for kids. Adults can use them too. You don't have to have kids to use them, You just have to have a nose. Most people have one so, get some Boogie Wipes. Grape is still my favorite scent. I haven't used a tissue since I first used Boogie Wipes and never will again. They give me the creeps. Especially when you have your nose drippings not stick on the tissue. This is still a product I really believe in and I still think everyone should use them.
PS. When you text the word boogers it is the same letters in congress. I kept trying to type it with the T9 on and it kept putting congress.
This post is written by me because I love Boogie Wipes and wanted to share with you all how much I still love them.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Fandangling Review and Giveaway

One thing parents buy when they are awaiting their new bundle of joy is a crib mobile. Most babies like to stare up at it and watch it go around. It is mesmerizing to them. The only bad thing about a traditional mobile is when your baby can pull themselves up; you have to take the mobile down. It becomes a safety hazard. Noah had an adorable little duck mobile that he would love to watch but when he got old enough the ducks had to come down. It was kind of sad for me because he had loved it since birth. Anne Zacharias, a mother of two came up with a brilliant idea, a mobile you attach to a ceiling fan named Fandangling. You don’t have to take mobile away anymore. Older children can also have mobiles in their rooms. They are really cool and can be soothing for a toddler.
Noah has a sea creature theme in his room. His room is painted light blue that matches his Sea Creature border perfectly. He has pictures of sea creatures and a sea creature quilt on his wall. His room is really cute so when I had the opportunity to try out a Fandangling mobile I was really happy to see that they had one called Underwater Adventure – Blue that has little stuffed dolphins and turtles.
The day we received the Underwater Adventure – Blue Fandangling, Noah wanted to play with it. He thought they were his newest stuffed toys. I tried to explain to him that they are for his ceiling fan. He didn’t totally get it until he saw it in motion. Noah loves his new dolphins and turtles. He watches them go round and says round and round, round and round. He definitely thinks it is really cool. He doesn’t remember his crib mobile of course and he loves to watch things spin. He will turn on his ceiling fan in the middle of the night to watch it go around. We occasionally make the light in the dining room spin around and so Fandangling is perfect. I hope you check out Fandangling’s website and order some of the cutest ceiling fan mobiles for your little bundles of joy.
Fandangling also donates 10% to multiple charities some of them are Animal Friends, ACEP and Build. I love this statement on their website: At Fandangling, We believe that Giving Back can truly make a difference in people’s lives.
I also have a coupon code to share with you guys. The coupon code is worth 20% off. The code is FANDANGLING10.
Thank you to Fandangling for sending me a complimentary mobile for my son to try out and providing one for the giveaway.
I have a giveaway for you. One (1) reader will win a Fandangling mobile of their choice.
Mandatory Entry: Visit Fandangling’s website and tell me which one you would like to own
You must do the mandatory entry for the extra entries to count.
Extra Entries:
Subscribe to my blog via email. It must be verified
Follow my blog
Join Fandangling’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fandangling
Follow @sheilacakes7 and @Fandangling on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post. This can be done once a day.
Grab my button and put it on your sidebar on your blog and tell me where to find it.
Please remember to put your email address in your comments or make it accessible on your blog.
This giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada Only
This giveaway will end on March 21,2010 at 11:59 PM EST.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Oral B Stages Review
My son’s dental health is really important to me. There are so many choices of kids’ dental health products. Different toothbrushes and toothpastes with all kinds of characters and flavors of toothpaste. It is hard to know what is a good brand to try. I personally like Oral B because they have been around for forever and they have a great reputation. Since I only have one child I was clueless about what type would be best. I carefully looked at all of the choices and it was like it was written in a forgeign language. Which is the right size of toothbrush? When I saw a Thomas one that plays the Thomas theme song, I knew it was the perfect choice and bought it. What is the safest great tasting toothpaste that does its job? Since I couldn’t open up all the tubes of toothpaste and sample a small taste of each I went for the Thomas toothpaste. I figured that Noah would like it. So, that is
how I picked my son’s tooth care products until I learned about Oral B Stages.
I had the opportunity to review an Oral B stages toothbrush and toothpaste. Then I learned that there are different stages according to age and developmental needs along with dental needs. There are four stages:
Stage 1 is for 4 to 24 months: Teething can be unpleasant for everyone. Your baby needs something special that is really gentle on baby’s extra tender gums. During this time your child gets their first tooth and more teeth to follow. It is really important to start taking care of them as soon as they pop up.
Stage 2 is for 2 to 4 years: With small hands and a small mouth your child really needs a toothbrush that has the ability to help them manage brushing their new set of teeth.
Stage 3 is for 5 to 7 years old: Since your child is really getting the hang of brushing their teeth and maybe even experiencing a visit or two from the Tooth Fairy it is important they have a more mature toothbrush to match their growing mouths and bodies. Your child will start to get molars and those can be tricky to reach but with the right toothbrush it will be a snap!
Stage 4 is for 8 years and up: Your child will have a mixture of baby teeth and adult teeth. As you lose your baby teeth and your adult teeth take their place, your child will need a toothbrush that can really clean around gaps as he or she forms a dental care routine.
My son is in stage 2. He got a new Little Einsteins toothbrush and Winnie the Pooh toothpaste. My son loves to brush his teeth which is a good thing. It makes it easy on me. He likes to brush his own teeth. I of course take a turn after he does just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything hiding. Not to mention he is three , he tries to brush them. He is so proud of himself after every time he brushes. His teeth look great. They look really clean.
You all should check out Oral-B Stages' new program with Scrapblog. To educate parents about children’s oral health, Oral-B Stages and Scrapblog have partnered to provide parents a unique and easy way to document key 'Smile-Stages' in their children’s oral health development. Smile-Stages are important milestones in children’s oral health development, such as their first smile or the loss of their first tooth. A Smile-Stage is also a specific time of year when children’s oral health is especially important, like the Halloween and the holidays when kids are eating lots of sugary treats. Parents can capture their children’s best Smile-Stages moments by visiting Smile Stages and creating personalized multimedia scrapbooks that can be viewed and shared online.
I love scrapbooking so this is right up my alley. It would be great for those loved ones that live in other parts of the country or maybe even another country. My dad lives in England so this would be a cool way to share with him pictures of Noah.
Thank you to Oral-B for providing the complimentary Stage 2 toothbrush and toothpaste for my review.
how I picked my son’s tooth care products until I learned about Oral B Stages.
I had the opportunity to review an Oral B stages toothbrush and toothpaste. Then I learned that there are different stages according to age and developmental needs along with dental needs. There are four stages:
Stage 1 is for 4 to 24 months: Teething can be unpleasant for everyone. Your baby needs something special that is really gentle on baby’s extra tender gums. During this time your child gets their first tooth and more teeth to follow. It is really important to start taking care of them as soon as they pop up.
Stage 2 is for 2 to 4 years: With small hands and a small mouth your child really needs a toothbrush that has the ability to help them manage brushing their new set of teeth.
Stage 3 is for 5 to 7 years old: Since your child is really getting the hang of brushing their teeth and maybe even experiencing a visit or two from the Tooth Fairy it is important they have a more mature toothbrush to match their growing mouths and bodies. Your child will start to get molars and those can be tricky to reach but with the right toothbrush it will be a snap!
Stage 4 is for 8 years and up: Your child will have a mixture of baby teeth and adult teeth. As you lose your baby teeth and your adult teeth take their place, your child will need a toothbrush that can really clean around gaps as he or she forms a dental care routine.
My son is in stage 2. He got a new Little Einsteins toothbrush and Winnie the Pooh toothpaste. My son loves to brush his teeth which is a good thing. It makes it easy on me. He likes to brush his own teeth. I of course take a turn after he does just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything hiding. Not to mention he is three , he tries to brush them. He is so proud of himself after every time he brushes. His teeth look great. They look really clean.
You all should check out Oral-B Stages' new program with Scrapblog. To educate parents about children’s oral health, Oral-B Stages and Scrapblog have partnered to provide parents a unique and easy way to document key 'Smile-Stages' in their children’s oral health development. Smile-Stages are important milestones in children’s oral health development, such as their first smile or the loss of their first tooth. A Smile-Stage is also a specific time of year when children’s oral health is especially important, like the Halloween and the holidays when kids are eating lots of sugary treats. Parents can capture their children’s best Smile-Stages moments by visiting Smile Stages and creating personalized multimedia scrapbooks that can be viewed and shared online.
I love scrapbooking so this is right up my alley. It would be great for those loved ones that live in other parts of the country or maybe even another country. My dad lives in England so this would be a cool way to share with him pictures of Noah.
Thank you to Oral-B for providing the complimentary Stage 2 toothbrush and toothpaste for my review.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Scholastic’s Treasury of 25 Fairy Tales, Magic, and More DVD set Review!

Growing up I loved to read books. Scholastic books were always ones I liked to read. I remember when my teachers would send home the order forms for me to order books. It was always fun to pick out a couple books to purchase. My mom is a teacher too so we always had Scholastic Books at home. One of my favorite stories was Strega Nona. I always thought it was a cool book. I loved how she could magically “cook” spaghetti from her magic pot and how much trouble Big Anthony got in for touching the pot. It was a story my mom liked to teach her students. She made up a song about Strega Nona and we still sometimes sing it today. Noah doesn’t like the song. It’s pretty scary if you ask me honestly. Don’t tell my mom I said that though.
So when I had the opportunity to review Scholastic’s Treasury of 25 Fairy Tales, Magic, and More DVD set, I was really excited. I was happy to see that I would be able to watch Strega Nona and share the story with my son. I am so glad to see that they have brought all kinds of stories to life. I know that through your imagination they come to life but seeing them come to life through another person’s imagination is a great experience. There are all kinds of stories on DVD from Scholastic. It reminds me of when I was in Elementary School and we would occasionally watch a video of a book during Library.
We love the Treasury of 25 Fairy Tales, Magic, and More DVD set. I was so eager for my son to be able to watch them all. I am one of those moms who wants to share things from my childhood with my son. There are certain things I want him to see and do and certain traditions I want him to take a part in. Books and movies are definitely one of them.
Watching the Treasury of Fairy Tales, Magic, and More, I reminded me of my childhood and reading and hearing these stories that I had heard back then. Some of them I had forgot and some of them I remember like it was just yesterday.
Noah was hearing and seeing them for the first time. He sat on my lap part of the time and he also would just stare at the stories with his full attention. It was really cool to see his response to the stories. He loves for me to tell him stories and read him books. I am so lucky to be able to share with all of you about these wonderful DVD sets. They are so wonderfully done. They use the same illustrations as the books. Something else really cool is you can select the read along option if you have a child learning to read or wants to read along. I will be using that feature in the future. Some of the stories are also animated.
They are something that would be great for a holiday or birthday present. I think the Treasury of 25 Fairy Tales, Magic, and More DVD set is the perfect addition to any family’s DVD collection. You will probably remember some of the stories too and be reminded of your childhood just as I was.
For more information and to find out where you can purchase these, Please visit here.
Thank you so much to Scholastic for providing me with the Treasury of 25 Fairy Tales, Magic and More DVD set to review.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Name Your Tune Review and Giveaway!

Noah loves music. He has loved it from the time I was pregnant with him. I would listen to certain songs and I swear he was dancing. Well, at least he was kicking during it. It was really cool. He always listens to music and he loves to dance along. He also loves his name. He can spell it for you and everything. So when I had the opportunity to review Name your Tune CD I was really interested in his reaction. My son is adorable when he dances.
Name Your Tune is a Canada based company that makes personalized CD’s. Name Your Tune was created and founded by Candace Alper. That doesn’t mean your child’s name is just written on the CD. It is so much MORE. The songs have your child’s name in it. Over 80 times you child’s name is said. There are 14 well known songs on the CD. I think it is really cool that it doesn’t sound like they just inserted the name. They will do any name your child has no matter how unique. They will ask how their named is pronounced as well. Your child's name will be sung just as you say it. It is really cute. You can also get a personalized message written on the CD too.
Noah and I really enjoy listening to his Name Your Tune CD. The music is upbeat and the singers’ voices are really pleasant to listen to. Towards the end of the CD the music winds down into a few lullaby type songs. It helps wind down Noah after dancing around and singing along.
The one thing that I didn’t like was that they messed up the personalized message on the CD. Normally it wouldn’t have been a huge deal to anyone else but it irked me. A little Sharpie did the trick. I am sure it was just a mistake. The actual CD was great and we will continue to enjoy listening to the cd for many years to come.Our favorite song was Little Noah has a farm. This CD would be a great present for Christmas or a birthday.

I have a coupon code for you all. You can save $5 off a Name your Tune CD by using the coupon code: Sheilacakes
A BIG Thank you to Name your Tune for sending me a complimentary CD for my review and providing one for a giveaway too!
I have one Name Your Tune CD to give to a lucky reader.
Mandatory Entry: Check out the Name Your Tune website and tell me something else you would love to own.
You must do the mandatory entry for the bonus entries to count
Subscribe to my blog via email. Please verify it in order to count
Follow my blog
Add @Sheilacakes7 and Add @nameyourtunecds and tweet about this giveaway and include the link to this post this can be done daily.
This Giveaway is open to US and Canada Residents only!
Please remember to put your email address in your comments or make it accessible on your blog.
This giveaway ends November 7th at 11:59 PM EST
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sweet Dreams Spray Review

Kids are funny little people. They have this faith in things. When they fall down, all they need is a kiss on the spot that hurts and the pain magically disappears. So, when I had the opportunity to try out one of the products from Fairytale Wishes I was extremely curious about it. I think the idea is really cute. A long the lines of the whole kiss a boo boo and its all better thinking. The people at Fairytale Wishes came up with magic “potion” sprays that do different things. Fairytale Wishes created a line of aromatherapy based sprays to help children cope with common childhood anxieties. There are 4 different varieties.
Monster Repellent Bubble Gum Spray is a bubble gum scented because Monsters are terrified of bubble gum. It gets stuck in their fur and if you ever had bubble gum in your hair you can totally understand why monsters are afraid of bubble gum.
Super Hero Spray that will give your child courage. Just a spray on their shirt and they will have courage all day. It would be great for the first day of school or going to the doctor or any other moments where you need to be brave. Like in the Wizard of Oz when the Lion needed courage even though he had it the whole time and didn’t realize it.
Happy Camper Spray is a spray that is great for when you are away from home. It is grape jelly scented so when you are home sick you can spray a little on your pillow and you have a little dose of home. The smell of grape jelly makes me think of when I was little and all the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my mom used to make me.
Sweet Dreams Spray is to chase the bad dreams away. It is a lavender scented spray that will give you sweet and pleasant dreams. I really wish I had some Sweet Dreams spray when I was little. I used to have a reoccurring nightmare about an alien named Kevin. When Kevin was mad he turned in to a queen. I had that nightmare over and over. I would get scared and go in my parent’s room and my mom would say did you dream about Kevin again? My family still teases me about Kevin. True Story.
We received the Sweet Dreams Spray to try out. I really like the scent of the spray. It is not over powering and it smells good. You can tell there is magic dust in it because you can see the glitter. The packaging is adorable and each one has a different story behind it. The sprays even come with a personalized letter to your child. It is a really cute and fun product. We haven’t had any bad dreams since we have been using it. Noah has been sleeping soundly too.
All of the sprays are definitely something all parents should have in there bag of tools. Just like when we kiss a boo boo these sprays will help with the common childhood anxieties that children face.
You can order All of the Fairytale Wishes Sprays on online at their website. They are $10.00 each for a 4 ounce bottle. Don't forget you can submit your child's name for a personalized letter too!
Thank you so much to Fairytale Wishes for sending me the Sweet Dreams Spray to try out.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
WAT-AAH Review and Giveaway

I had the opportunity to try all four types of Wat-aah. What is Wat-aah? It is water that has an extra boost to it. What is the boost? It’s NOT sugar, it’s not flavoring, and it’s not color. It is NURTIENTS! If your child is anything like mine, he loves sugar. It is all about cookies, candy and cupcakes for him. Of course he doesn’t get those things very often but it doesn’t stop him from asking for them. Thankfully he is too young for soda so I don’t have to fight that battle yet. In all reality Noah eats pretty healthy. I keep his junk food to a minimum and I try and give him stuff that he likes that is healthy.
So I bet you are wondering what kinds of nutrients are in Wat-aah. There are four varieties. All four varieties are made with Ultra pure water and none of them contain any sugar!
• Brain which contains electrolytes that helps with keeping your child extra hydrated
• Bones which contains magnesium for strong healthy bones
• Body which is just ultra pure spring water
• Energy which contains oxygen for extra energy
Wat-ahh was created when a group of women got together that were all wondering. Why won’t kids drink more water? They decided that it needed an extreme makeover water edition. So they thought we should change its name. They decided Wat-aah sounded like a great name. To me it sounds like Tarzan yelling. Tarzan is still cool right? Then they thought the bottle needed a new look something hip and exciting. They decided on neon letters and a goofy little face for the new label. They all decided that it needed something extra. Something to make it different and extra healthy. Being the clever women they are they decided to add extra nutrients. They used their kids as their own research and development team and Volia! Wat-aah was born.
I received a package of all four Wat-aah types. We also got assortment of stickers and tattoos. Noah has recently gotten in to temporary tattoos and he has always loved stickers. The Wat-aah was really refreshing and tasted great. Noah loves it. He kept asking for more Wat-aah. It felt good knowing I was giving him something healthy and fun to drink.
Thank you Wat-aah for the chance to try all four varieties.

I have a Wat-aah prize pack to give away to one of my lovely readers.
Please remember to leave your email address in your comment or make it accessible to me on your blog.
Mandatory comment: Go to the Wat-aah website and tell me what you learned
You must do the mandatory comment for the extra entries to count
Extra entries:
Subscribe to my blog via EMAIL and verify it. Sorry but subscribing to my RSS feed does not count.
Follow my blog
Follow @Wataah and @Sheilacakes7 on twitter and tweet about this giveaway
Follow Wat-aah’s blog
Tell me why you wanna try Wat-aah
This giveaway will end September 28, 2009 at 11:59 pm EDT
I will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond with their information
This giveaway is open to US residents ONLY!
Good Luck Everyone
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Label me this....Label me that

Noah has a tendency to lose his stuff. He will accidentally leave it at my sister’s house almost every time he goes over there. I joke with my sister and say she purposely takes Noah’s stuff. I was delighted to be given the opportunity to try out Mabel’s Labels. Mabel’s Labels are adorable personalized labels.
Mabel’s Labels are colorful fun labels for your kid’s things. They come in a variety of colors and there are many icons you can choose from. There are different types of labels as well. They have clothing labels that are safe for the washer and dryer. Since they stick you don’t have to sew them in to the clothing!
There is also labels that are safe for the top rack of your dishwasher to label sippy cups, bottles, bowls and spoons. That would be great for daycare or the babysitter. The daycare teachers will love these.
Maybe your children are members of a play group or in scouts, Mabel’s Labels has shoe labels too! No more trying to figure out whose shoes are whose. Those would be great for children that play sports because they all have the same shoes. You put a protective top label on the top of it in case you were wondering about all the wear and tear from your feet.
Julie Cole had the brilliant idea for Mabel’s Labels after years of chasing her children’s belongings at daycare, school and friends’ houses. She got together with three of her female family members and Mabel’s Labels were born! Mabel’s Labels is a Canada based company that will gladly ship anywhere you can stick a label to something. They also make Allergy Alert Labels, Personalized Stationary, iron on labels for your tagless clothing and ID bracelets to name a few of the products. All items are created in house at Mabel’s Labels headquarters in Hamilton Ontario.
Many celebrity parents use Mabel’s Labels. They are a big hit with famous moms and dads. I can understand why because they are absolutely adorable. A few of Mabel’s Labels A listers are Gwyneth Paltrow, Reese Witherspoon, and Kevin Costner. Mabel’s Labels have been featured on shows like The View, the Early Show and Canada AM. They also have been featured in magazines such as Parents Magazine, Today’s Parent, The Washington Post, Newsday and many other regional parenting publications. Mabel’s Labels has also won awards like the 2007 SavyMom “Momupreneur of the year” award, and Best product Awards from Baby Gizmo and iparenting Media.
Noah got the Ultimate Back to School Combo and his labels are the Naturals colors. He also got a fire truck image on them as well. He loves them. Noah can recognize his own name. So it is really extra special for him. He loves to spell his name for me. Every time he sees one of his labels he will say Fire truck and most of the time he will say N-O-A-H that spells Noah! The labels are extremely durable. My personal favorite is the new Teeny Tags because they are so cute. They look like little dog tags. We love Mabel’s Labels and we are having lots of fun labeling Noah’s things.
The Ultimate Back to School combo is on sale now. It contains 50 Tag-Mates, 40 Skinny-Minis, 16 Shoe Labels, 2 NEW Teeny Tags. It is only available until September 25th 2009. So hurry! It costs 39 dollars USD.
Thank you to Mabel’s Labels for the opportunity to try out the Back to School Pack
They are running a promotion going on from Aug 15 – Sept 15 that if you spend $80 at Mabel’s Labels, you will receive a code for $25 to Mabel’s Labels.
You can view the details here at Mabel Moolah
For information and to order from Mabel's Labels please visit HERE
I was given the opportunity to review this product because of my membership at The Product Review Place. http://productreviewplace.ning.com
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Boogie Wipes Review
Kids get sick….Its a fact of life. They get runny noses and stuffy ones. You reach for the nearest tissue or toilet paper. Tissues and toilet paper are more trouble than they are helpers. Your child’s nose gets sore, even with the ones that claim to make your nose not hurt. Not to mention they aren’t very good at cleanly wiping the sticky mess your child’s nose makes. Well drop the tissue and try out these. They are called Boogie Wipes.
Boogie Wipes are Saline wipes that make nose blowing a breeze! Boogie Wipes helps break up the mucous. Boogie Wipes were created by two mothers that were sick of chasing runny noses. Boogie wipes are Alcohol Free! They are also Phthalate & Paraben Free. They are made with Natural Saline to Dissolve Mucus. They are Hypoallergenic, so that means they are safe for all ages.
These wipes will actually moisturize your nostrils with Vitamin E, Aloe and Chamomile. Did you know the number one reason for nose bleeds is dried cracked nasal passages? That is another reason to use Boogie Wipes. They come in three fun scents. They are Grape, Fresh Scent and Magic Menthol. Magic Menthol is for those extra stuffy noses. Kids love the smell of them which is important because they are for your nose so a great scent is a must.
Noah has a cold right now. He doesn’t get sick very often but I was armed with Boogie Wipes to wipe his nose. Noah will not only wipe his own nose but he will actually ask to wipe his nose. He would of never asked to wipe his nose with a tissue, in fact it was a real battle and upsetting for both of us when he would use a normal tissue. Boogie Wipes are extremely soft and they are scented. Our favorite is the Grape! I tried one out just to see what it was like and it felt cool and refreshing. It felt so clean as well.
I told my mom about Boogie Wipes and I thought that she should get some for her students. She teaches children with physical and mental challenges so some of them don’t have the motor skills to wipe their own noses. Wiping their noses will be easier for her because Boogie Wipes are so thick and have saline in them so it is less mess than tissue. I think that anyone with a nose should have Boogie Wipes because they aren’t just for kids. They are for those who are kids at heart too!
Boogie Wipes come in packages of 40 wipes or individually wrapped wipes. The single serve wipes are great to keep in your car or your purse for those times when you need them on the go. Just think no more rough fast food napkins used as a tissue. We all have them in our glove boxes for that purpose. No more smashed boxes of tissues that get lost under your car seat. Colds will still be miserable but Boogie Wipes will help pamper your nose.
Thank you to Boogie Wipes for giving me the opportunity to try out some Boogie Wipes.
You can find Boogie Wipes at a variety of stores. Go Here to find a location near you. If there isn’t one have no fear you can order them online. They retail about $3.99 a pack and the individual wipes are $2.99 for a pack of 10.
If you sign up for The Boogie Bunch you can also get a coupon for $1.00 off.
For more information please visit Boogie Wipes
So what are you waiting for? Go get some today. Your nose will Thank You later.
Boogie Wipes are Saline wipes that make nose blowing a breeze! Boogie Wipes helps break up the mucous. Boogie Wipes were created by two mothers that were sick of chasing runny noses. Boogie wipes are Alcohol Free! They are also Phthalate & Paraben Free. They are made with Natural Saline to Dissolve Mucus. They are Hypoallergenic, so that means they are safe for all ages.
These wipes will actually moisturize your nostrils with Vitamin E, Aloe and Chamomile. Did you know the number one reason for nose bleeds is dried cracked nasal passages? That is another reason to use Boogie Wipes. They come in three fun scents. They are Grape, Fresh Scent and Magic Menthol. Magic Menthol is for those extra stuffy noses. Kids love the smell of them which is important because they are for your nose so a great scent is a must.
Noah has a cold right now. He doesn’t get sick very often but I was armed with Boogie Wipes to wipe his nose. Noah will not only wipe his own nose but he will actually ask to wipe his nose. He would of never asked to wipe his nose with a tissue, in fact it was a real battle and upsetting for both of us when he would use a normal tissue. Boogie Wipes are extremely soft and they are scented. Our favorite is the Grape! I tried one out just to see what it was like and it felt cool and refreshing. It felt so clean as well.
I told my mom about Boogie Wipes and I thought that she should get some for her students. She teaches children with physical and mental challenges so some of them don’t have the motor skills to wipe their own noses. Wiping their noses will be easier for her because Boogie Wipes are so thick and have saline in them so it is less mess than tissue. I think that anyone with a nose should have Boogie Wipes because they aren’t just for kids. They are for those who are kids at heart too!
Boogie Wipes come in packages of 40 wipes or individually wrapped wipes. The single serve wipes are great to keep in your car or your purse for those times when you need them on the go. Just think no more rough fast food napkins used as a tissue. We all have them in our glove boxes for that purpose. No more smashed boxes of tissues that get lost under your car seat. Colds will still be miserable but Boogie Wipes will help pamper your nose.
Thank you to Boogie Wipes for giving me the opportunity to try out some Boogie Wipes.
You can find Boogie Wipes at a variety of stores. Go Here to find a location near you. If there isn’t one have no fear you can order them online. They retail about $3.99 a pack and the individual wipes are $2.99 for a pack of 10.
If you sign up for The Boogie Bunch you can also get a coupon for $1.00 off.
For more information please visit Boogie Wipes
So what are you waiting for? Go get some today. Your nose will Thank You later.
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