Friday, February 10, 2017

Road Trip Essentials

Spring Break is right around the corner. Kids will be out of school for a week and it is almost time to start traveling as a family. You have to remember a lot of stuff when you are traveling especially when you’re a parent. Kids have so much stuff that they need. It’s easy to forget things while packing but unless you are going somewhere where there’s not a store, it’s no big deal. It’s sometimes hard to think about everything you need to do or pack when your mind is on vacation mode.  You just want to relax and spend time with your kids and not worry about work or cleaning.  Making lists is helpful and double checking. You can give your kids lists too to ease the packing some.

Here are some travel necessities you will need for a great road trip:

Healthy snacks so you don’t have to buy them at the gas station

Bottles of water or other beverages

A cooler

Lots of books and books on cd

Notebooks and pencils

Colored pencils and coloring books or crayons but remember to bring in the crayons or you will have a huge mess from the heat.

Hand sanitizer when you can’t wash your hands in the car

Chargers and adapters

A standard outlet you can plug in the car is great for laptops and DVD players


A portable Wi-Fi adapter

Batteries for toys and cameras


Baby wipes are great for messy hands if you get ice cream

Lip balm for dry lips from running the air conditioning

Mild lotions

Car air freshener

Many grocery store bags for car sickness and trash

Motion sickness medicine

Sunglasses for everyone

Sunscreen for rest stops and driving breaks

Pillows and blankets

Extra clothing that is easy to reach

Tissue and paper towels

Change for toll roads

A map in case you don’t have signal

Zippered bags for snacks and toys

First aid kit with extra medicine

Pain medicine

A gas can in the trunk in case you aren’t paying attention and run out of gas.

With this list of travel necessities you should have what you need to have a fun and safe trip this Spring Break.

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