Showing posts with label Gerber Grabbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gerber Grabbers. Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2011

Gerber Grabbers Review

Noah loves squeeze pouches. You know those little pouches, that are drinkable fruits and vegetables. Noah loves fruit, but doesn’t really like veggies. He loved them when he was a baby and toddler but now that he is older, he will hardly touch them, except for the occasional carrot or piece of celery.  He is an extremely picky eater.  I really like giving him squeeze pouches because I know he is eating vegetables without even really knowing it.  Sure, if he asks me what it is, I will tell him but it doesn’t seem to faze him.  So, when I had the opportunity to try out some Gerber Grabbers I jumped on it.

Everyone knows about Gerber and Noah was definitely a Gerber baby. I was excited to see that Gerber came out with Gerber Grabbers because this product concept started out as an organic food. I am all for organic but not the organic price. I was looking for something that Noah loves and honestly is affordable. I know that Gerber products are affordable. He was eating other brands, but they were all just fruits. I know that he needs veggies in his diet and so I was really excited to see that some of the flavors contain veggies as well.  I knew I could kind of sneak some veggies in his diet with these.

Made for Toddlers:
Easy for toddlers to self feed
Encourage independent eating skills
Come in a re-sealable pouch
 Pouch is easy to take on the go
Fun to eat

Good for Toddlers:
Made with 100% natural fruit or fruit and vegetables
No artificial flavors or colors
Excellent source of antioxidant Vitamins C & E
2 servings of fruit or fruit/vegetables per pouch*

5 Flavor Combinations:

When I opened the package, I didn’t get to look at them before Noah was asking to eat one.  I let him pick the kind he wanted and it was gobbled down. He really liked it a lot, because we got the package on Saturday and it is now Sunday night as I write this and we are down to one. He would have eaten the last one if I would have let him.  I know first thing in the morning he is going to ask me for the last one.  He eats them by not what is in them but what color the package and cap are.  He would say which pouch he wanted by what color it was. He has really enjoyed them all.
For more information on Gerber  products, please visit their website