Showing posts with label Hysteria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hysteria. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

You Don't Know When it will be the End of the World.

Personally, I am really sick of all the end of the world talk. You know how the NPR said that Judgment Day is on May 21,2011, which is totally false saying it was in the Bible. Some people think that the end of the world is in 2012. They even made a movie about it; the supporting evidence is the Mayan Calendar ends. Well, the Mayans haven’t been around for a very long time. Just because they stopped making the calendar doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. I am sure they just didn’t think back then that the world would still be around or maybe they got tired of making a calendar and figured someone else will make the new one. Last I checked the Mayans are not prophets, they don’t posses some kind of power to know when the world will end. I personally believe that no one knows when Judgment Day or the end of the world will be. The only one who knows is God.

It really has been hysteria and an obsession for some. People have been so worried about when the end of the world will be using things like the internet as evidence. There are people that have count downs and secret “battle” plans. Some have drills where they practice what they will do. In my opinion that is pure insanity. I am not sure if they think it is going to be like The Stand by Stephen King, where there is a horrible plague and that they could be one of the few survivors that are responsible of recreating the human race. I believe when the time comes there will be the rapture, and then the end of the world and that is the end of the world, no survivors. I wouldn’t want to be left behind. I don’t want to see the end of the world and the aftermath. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for that, and have to go through that huge loss. I have no doubt that when the rapture comes and I am still on Earth that I will float to heaven with all my loved ones.

I watch The 700 Club sometimes, and someone asked Pat Robertson about the whole NPR thing and Pat told a story about when CBN started there was a man who called up Pat and said I really have to get on TV and talk to everyone because the end of the world is on Sunday, and that God told him so. Of course that wasn’t true. Pat said that the man ended up in a mental hospital on that Monday. He said it was 50 years ago. I personally believe that no one knows, no one will know, it will just happen. Honestly it does scare me to think about, I know I am going to heaven if it happens during my lifetime, but it still is kinda scary to me. There is so much I want to do still. I hope it won’t be for a very very long time, but who knows? I am sure this is not the first, second, third time someone has “predicted” the end of the world and I am sure it won’t be the last.