Showing posts with label Martha Stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martha Stewart. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am Jack's Bot

If you know me at all, ever had interaction with me, you know how much I love the movie Fight Club. I have seen it a bajillion times. I know the whole movie by heart and love to quote it and tweet about it. I feel sorry for my friends like Brandy of Happily Blended because she has to deal with me all the time talking about it. When I found out she hates Fight Club, I was completely baffled. How can someone hate Fight Club? How can one of my dearest friends of all people hate Fight Club? It was almost terms for ending the friendship but I gave her a pass. Of course I am kidding but I just don’t understand. I would never sit down with my mom and watch it because I know she would hate it, but she is my mom. I just thought that everyone loves Fight Club because it’s Fight Club. I have known people that have never seen it and won’t. They are really missing out.

To be fair I have a faint memory of being at Blockbuster a long time ago and my friend or someone I dated, it’s been a while, asked me if I have seen it and I said no, don’t want to. I thought it was a boxing movie and I hated Snake Eyes. It wasn’t until a year or so later that my ex bought it at K-mart and had me sit down and watch it. I loved it, I watched it over and over. I demanded that I got to keep it when I kicked him out. I got to keep all my favorite movies because he kept his guitar. Fight Club is not about boxing and it is hardly about fighting. It is just like a small part of it. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. It is brilliant. It is definitely a movie for adults. I wouldn’t recommend watching it with your children, it is very inappropriate for anyone under 17. They talk about Martha Stewart in it. You know how much I love Martha.

Shortly after joining Twitter and tweeting about Fight Club I noticed that I was getting replies from someone called Iamjacksbot. In the movie the narrator played by Edward Norton reads a series called I am Jack’s Colon; I am Jack’s Medulla Oblongata to name a few. He also uses I am Jack’s to describe how he is feeling in certain parts of the movie. IamJacksBot is an automated bot (I believe) that whenever anyone on Twitter mentions the words “Fight Club” it will tweet you a random quote from the movie. One day recently I wanted to mention IamJacksBot in a tweet and if you look at the top it will tell you who you follow that also follows someone. There is was…. Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart follows IamJacksbot on Twitter. She won’t follow me, but will follow the Fight Club bot.

I didn’t realize that Martha Stewart was such a big Fight Club fan. I mean Martha Stewart just doesn’t seem like she would be a fan or condone such a movie. I was floored. I guess Martha is an interesting person and created Whatever Martha where her daughter and friend made fun of her. I wish they would bring back that show. I loved it. The talk show is not very good in my opinion. I guess you can learn a lot of things about celebrities on Twitter. For the record it made me love Martha even more.
What do you think of Fight Club? Have you seen it? Its brilliant isn’t it?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Martha, Martha, MARTHA!!

If only I were like Martha Stewart. For a long time I have loved Martha Stewart. Even when she went to jail I thought she was innocent. From the moment I knew who she was until now I have enjoyed watching her and her ideas and recipes. I love the way she talks too. She is so interesting and brilliant. I guess I have always been a closet Martha. I mean granted I have always loved to cook, from the moment I was big enough to even help out. Growing up I was never really great at art. I hated art class. I was never really good at it. I am left handed so that is a pain for cutting. I never got “left handed” scissors. I could never make them cut. Yet, the teachers insisted on using them.

I loved cooking in school. I can still remember being in Jr. High in Mrs. Shrewsbury’s class making snickerdoodles and macaroni and cheese. That class was a lot of fun. Then in high school there was the infamous Foods class. I don’t think I will share that story in fear of incriminating myself and others involved. Really though it was nothing big. I did end up missing the Angel Food Cake Lab one day and I “had to” make it up in SRT (study hall) I never got to bring my Angel Food Cake home or even really eat hardly any. She took it and said it was the perfect angel food cake and she wanted other classes to taste it. I am just skilled like that. I ended up accidentally dropping a yolk in my egg whites but I got every speck out. I got like over 100% cause I got bonus points or something. As you all know cooking is a huge part of my life and one of my favorite pastimes. I love being in the kitchen. It is so much fun.

I used to never consider myself crafty. I thought being crafty was what older people did. It was something that Rosie O’Donnell would talk about on her talk show. I didn’t understand what the point was. I knew I wasn’t good at drawing. My stick figure people looked as if a six year old drew them and well I could cut too well, and about all I could do is color. I could make things out of Play-Doh but real clay forget it. So, crafty was out of the picture for me. I knew I would never be crafty. I couldn’t sew. I learned to sew a little bit from my Grandma Rose those were big stitches though. It just wasn’t me. I used to love to make candles. I was going to start doing that again but I never did.

My sister was the crafty one growing up. She would make Barbie furniture out of masking tape, she would make beads out of clay and she would make beaded things. She was the artistic one. If you compared her ceramics projects to mine it would be clear that she was much better at it than I was. I tried I just couldn’t get it. I think that is it partially because I was a perfectionist and if it wasn’t perfect I would scrap it and start over and I would never get it just right so that made it a fail. I had been like that for a while.

Then I became a mom and started getting interested in scrapbooking. I really liked it at first well, I liked the idea and all the little goodies that went with it. I started out by buying a fair amount of items. I didn’t make my first scrapbook page until a couple months later and my first card was made six months after I bought some stuff. But I ended up still buying stuff even though I had only done a few pages and a card or two. It was fun to pick out stuff. I eventually got in to it a lot where I was scrapbooking all the time. Now I am on a scrapping hiatus. I haven’t done a page in about 8 months! It’s not that I lack the materials, it’s the creativity and time. I have to be in a certain mood to create and it just hasn’t happened lately. So my stuff, my mountains of stuff, sit and wait for me.

I have ventured out in to making other crafts too. I make ornaments and embellished paperclips. I also make coasters and alter items. I still can not sew. I have always admired Martha Stewart and I think she has some great ideas. I was watching her last night On Demand and she made the cutest little gumdrop ornaments and all kinds of cool stuff. I thought it was cool to see her with her mom on a couple of the segments. I was curious to see how they interacted together. They were both the same.

I also like to watch Whatever Martha. I think it hilarious how they make fun of Martha’s show. I mean it was Martha’s idea from what she says in the opening credits. It makes you notice things about Martha that you might not before hand, for example the way she raises her eyebrow or how she is kind of grumpy at times.

I still love Martha Stewart and hope that I can hang out with her and cook and scrapbook with her. She sounds like a lot of fun. I subscribe to Martha Stewart Living and Body+ Soul. I like to look at Martha’s calendar for the month to see what she has going on. I really enjoy everything Martha!