Everybody is always asking me and other bloggers who their blogging
idol is or who they look up to the most? Normally I don’t like to single people out because feelings get hurt and egos get bruised. Most people say it is some really well known blogger but for me it is
Mommy Niri. I had the pleasure of getting to know Niri from a PBS Sprout Band of Bloggers telephone conference. She is an amazing person and she is so intelligent. She has a really cool accent too. She was full of great ideas and I knew during that phone call that I wanted to get to know her. I immediately started following her on Twitter and I started tweeting back and forth with her. I really enjoy talking to her.
She is such a kind person. She is doing all these things to help others and she is such an inspiration to me. She is such a great blogger and an even better person. She is one of those bloggers that truly want to make a difference like I do. I hope I have the opportunity to meet her someday soon. I can’t say enough good things about Niri. She is the blogger I strive to be like; she has such a big heart like I do. I bet we could do a lot of good in this world together. Everyone should check out
Mommy Niri’s blog because she is such an awesome blogger and friend.