Showing posts with label laser surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laser surgery. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Varicose Vein Treatments: Which is right for you?

Varicose veins, although not a serious health risk, can be embarrassing and unsightly for many men and women. The enlarged red or blue veins appear on thighs, calves, or face, and can make those who suffer feel self-conscious, especially when he or she takes a trip to the beach or camping! Fortunately, there are many treatment options that are safe and minimally invasive. Here are the top three treatments for varicose veins. Which one is right for you?


Laser SurgeryLaser surgery is similar to sclerotherapy in that the goal of the procedure is to cause damage to the varicose vein so it will form scar tissue and close. A simple laser treatment is usually an outpatient procedure. Physicians direct a laser onto the vein; the heat damages the vein, leading to scar tissue. Laser surgery is often used in conjunction with other types of varicose vein treatments.

Is it for you?  Simple laser surgery is non-invasive and works best with small varicose veins. The treatments take longer – often 6 to 12 sessions total – and take longer to fully disappear (up to a year in some cases.) The bonus of simple laser surgery is that the down time after treatment is minimal; most patients return to their daily routine immediately after treatment. 

Sclerotherapy – In this type of varicose vein treatment, physicians inject a special solution directly into the vein, causing it to scar and collapse. Blood that normally would go through these veins are redirected into other veins, and the unsightly, dark vein disappears within a few weeks through reabsorption into the tissue surrounding it.  The procedure is relatively painless (except for the sting of a small needle) and can be done in a comfortable office setting. Full results can be seen in three to six weeks, although it may take several months for large veins to disappear completely.

Is it for you?  Sclerotherapy is typically used on small spider veins that appear in legs or arms, and for cosmetic reasons. The outpatient procedure is very safe, and is the  treatment of choice for small varicose veins. Some of the side effects are mild inflammation, air bubbles, darkened skin or bruising, and small skin sores. Your doctor will ask you to wear compression stockings for about three weeks after the treatment, avoid sun exposure and halt strenuous exercise for a few weeks after.

Endovenous Ablation – This procedure, although minimally invasive, is a bit more complicated than the first two varicose vein treatments on our list. Endovenous ablation basically closes a large, long varicose vein by using heat energy to seal it shut from the inside. Local anesthesia is administered, and then a thin catheter is inserted in an entry point (usually close to the knee.) Lasers or radio frequency energy is administered to the vein to seal it shut.

Is it for you?  Of the procedures to get rid of varicose veins, endovenous ablation is perhaps the most complicated and has the most down time and complications. The procedure is outpatient, but patients must wear compression stockings for about a week after the procedure. Pain and bruising are common, but can be treated with over-the-counter non-aspirin pain relievers. Walking is encouraged, but strenuous exercise (like running or cardiovascular workouts) are discouraged for a few weeks after. Only one large vein can be treated at a time, so for numerous large veins, subsequent treatments are necessary.  

Amanda is a social media manager for a health care organization by day and a blogger and freelance writer by night. She's also a mom to an amazing 2 year-old boy and wife to a great guy who indulges all her celebrity gossip. Amanda loves healthy living, coffee, fashion, Twitter, makeup, nail polish, and cats (not always in that order.) Her work has been published on and For more celebrity gossip, fashion, beauty and DIY, visit Amanda's blog, It's Blogworthy ( or follow her on Twitter and Google+.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aloha Friday

I know I have been seriously lacking on this meme.

My friend Kailani has a wonderful Friday meme called Aloha Fridays.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

I have been watching LA Ink. I started watching it back in 2008 occasionally but now I have been watching it every week the past couple months or so. I love listening to the stories behind the tattoos. It has made me respect them more. Although I still can't understand a lot of tattoos that people get like tweety bird and other iconic tattoos. I just think when you are 80 you are going to regret getting that tattoo of a devil on your hiney. No, I don't know anyone with a devil tattooed on their hiney.

So my question this week is... If you were to get a tattoo what would you get and why?

I would personally probably NEVER get one. It is way too permanent to me. If I were to get one I would get my Grandma Rose's senior picture in black and white with the words "I love you more" under it. As some of you know my grandma Rose has always meant the world to me and she always will. I have a feeling she wouldn't like it because I don't think she likes tattoos. My cousin has a really cool portrait of his dad on his arm with El Diablo under it. It's gorgeous work. So what about you?