Monday, January 18, 2010

You can do WHAT with your remote?!?!?

HSN is a home shopping network. It has been parodied in so many movies and TV shows. It is a wonderful invention where you can order things from your couch and phone. It was the early home shopping before you could log on your computer and shop online. I used to marvel at the stuff on HSN and QVC when I was little. It was so neat to see all kinds of things. A lot of the things like the food in my opinion is way over priced. You end up paying twice and sometimes three times the actual cost which is nuts. I do like the easy pay options on both.

It was a commercial and I went to click to see what was on HSN. I was watching them talk about bedding with my mom. I saw in the corner it said hit OK/select to order now. I thought maybe it was an error on their end. Nope if you hit OK/ select you can order things from HSN with your TV remote! My mom and I were saying oh lets order 3 of those in each color and just being dorks. Now ladies and gentlemen you can order things without leaving your home, without using the phone, and now without your computer.

I didn’t personally go as far as trying to order anything. We kept discussing different scenarios of things getting ordered. We kinda talked about it the other day with the cable box and the importance of having a pin number so your cleaning lady can’t watch movies or you get the 300 dollar smut cable bill after you had a house guest. I kept thinking about Noah accidentally ordering stuff from HSN. I am sure he wouldn’t be able to but it is kind of scary to think about. I bet that people that have shopping addictions could just sit there and order stuff. That is actually bad for those that can’t afford it and rack up their credit cards. I know people can do that with any form of shopping but I mean it is weird to be able to order products with your cable remote. What are your thoughts? Have you ever ordered anything with your remote other than PPV or anything On Demand?


  1. I've never ordered anything, but Violet has come thisclose to ordering an adult film on Directv. She records stuff on a daily basis, too. She's been doing this since she was 12 mos old (she's 16 mos now). Maybe this ordering with your remote isn't the smartest thing ever. I don't want UPS showing up with tacky jewelry some day!

  2. Just another way to get us to spend money without even thinking about it? And another reason not to leave anything within a child's reach without supervision. I remember when my oldest was 9 months old he was playing with the cordless phone and managed to dial 911---that was more than a little embarrassing, but at least it didn't come with a credit card bill.
