Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Love and Kindness

I can’t believe that it’s almost February. Last year kind of blew by. February is the month that we focus on love. Love is amazing and it’s really something that we should focus on all the time. Love can mean many things.  Love is definitely kindness. It’s so important to be kind to others. When someone is unkind to you, you need to still be kind. It goes back to the golden rule. Treat people the way you want to be treated. 

Love can be the way you love your friends in a platonic way. It doesn’t have to be romantic. It can be something between life long friends. I have had a friend who I have known since Kindergarten. Noah would hear me say I love you to him. Noah would have questions like if I’m in love with him. I say no. We are best friends.

Parental love is also a different kind of love. It’s definitely a special love that is unwavering. No matter what your child does, you still love them. It’s definitely a form of unconditional love.  When you love romantically, that in my opinion should also be unconditional love. Unconditional love is when you love someone when they don’t always do the right thing or if they make you mad. There are absolutely no conditions to make you love them. 

As we get ready to start February, think of some ways you can be kind to others. 

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