Showing posts with label Win free bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Win free bread. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pack your Own Lunch Day with Klosterman Bread

We eat a lot of sandwiches at my house. So, naturally we go through a lot of bread. I have this memory of Noah when he was three, he had taken a loaf of bread off the counter that I had just purchased. Went to the couch and started eating it. It was pretty funny that he decided to just help himself like that. Even though I had specific plans with the bread, I caught him in time that he had only ate a good sized chunk. Noah loves bread probably more than I do. We love to make sandwiches. He has started making his own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches some times. He also loves grilled cheese. It is important to have quality bread when you are making your favorite sandwich. Bread is definitely a huge part of a sandwich. You may think about what’s inside is the important part but really it’s a whole package deal. There are so many different types of breads, you have to figure out not only what bread will compliment your sandwich but what kind of bread you like. Some people are really picky about their bread. Some only like white, some only like wheat, and some like breads like rye or pumpernickel. I am definitely a white bread girl. I remember growing up, at my grandma’s house she would buy us white bread. So I was able to have white toast. My mom usually only bought wheat bread. I know that’s silly looking back but it was kind of a big deal for me.  

Today is National Pack your own Lunch Day. As adults, we tend to eat our lunch at restaurants, or pick up something during a lunch break. You can save a lot of money by packing your own lunch instead of eating food you pick up.  I always pack Noah’s lunch. His lunch of choice is peanut butter and jelly. He also likes tortillas that he dips in applesauce.  I think he has dipped almost everything in applesauce. He has a very unique palate sometimes. Klosterman Bread is giving away a whole year of Klosterman products to a lucky person. It’s really easy to enter! All you have to do is vote for which sandwich you would prefer on their Facebook page. You can enter once a day so if you have a hard time picking you can mix it up.

Good Luck! What is your favorite kind of bread?