Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Importance of using Cartons

I have been teaching Noah about the environment. I think that it is important for him to know about how we have to protect our planet.  He has learned this at a young age. When he was five, he saw the palm trees being trimmed. He was very concerned. He decided to march around yelling “Save our Trees, Save our Trees.” He wasn’t accustomed to the fact that palm trees have to be trimmed for not only esthetic reasons, but for safety reasons.  I explained that they aren’t cutting them down; they are just helping them be safe.  I think when I read The Lorax to him; he really listened, even if he thought they were monkeys.  Recently, we were talking about rules, and he said, “You don’t have rules.” I explained that I do, I can’t litter. He told me I didn’t need a rule for that.  He knew that’s common sense.  I think I am doing a great job teaching him about saving the earth. We went to Boyd Hill Nature Preserve for Earth Day, and I know that the older adults were impressed to see a six year old know the answers to all their questions and could identify what trash items could confuse animals.  Noah is such a fantastic child.  We are an eco-aware family.

Noah loves to drink milk and juice. I have decided to switch from milk jugs to milk cartons, because not only does it keep the milk fresher, it also is better for the environment.  Milk jugs use a lot of plastic, and since cartons are cardboard they are easier to recycle.  Cartons are recyclable for more than 49 million U.S. households. Recycled cartons are used to make other paper products, including tissue, office paper and building materials. I prefer juices that come from cartons vs. concentrate.   I think there are better flavor options. When I use chicken broth I always buy the cartons because it’s more convenient and you don’t need a can opener.  You can also make really cute crafts out of milk cartons. I remember when I was in Brownies making a bird feeder out of a milk carton.  I would love to make all kinds of crafts out of milk cartons. I think that Noah would reuse anything he could.  Noah loves to plant things too.  We could use milk or juice cartons as planters.  I am sure that my adorable son would find a way to make something Star Wars out of a carton or maybe that he calls a Minecraft Craft.  Making this change will be awesome for the planet and an excuse to get out the craft supplies, not that we need one.
Do you drink milk and juice from cartons?

Monday, November 22, 2010

How to Alter a Tin

Thanks to Scotch(R) Double Sided Tape for sponsoring my writing about crafts. Add your comment below to be entered for a chance to win free sample rolls to help with your upcoming holiday needs.

I really enjoy doing crafts. I have found that double sided tape works really well when you are taping pictures on scrapbooking pages. As someone who has broken every tape runner she has owned, I think that double sided tape works really well. You don’t have the extra bulk of using normal tape in a loop. In my opinion unless you are using something to purposely make the picture pop out it should be flat.
I wanted to share a quick and easy craft with you. I thought I would show you an easy way to alter a tin. Maybe it is an old holiday cookie tin or popcorn tin or a coffee tin, almost any tin will work. I bought some little tins that I keep some of my crafting supplies in.


You need:
2 pieces of Patterned Paper (same print)
Double sided tape
Any sized tin

First take your paper and wrap it around the tin. Make a mark on your patterned paper on the white side at where the groove at the top. This is so you can put the lid on your tin. Take a ruler and make a line horizontal and cut across. You might need another piece of paper to cover the rest of your tin depending on the size. Remember to keep the lip of the tin exposed because it will not matter once the lid is on.

Carefully put double sided tape on the paper and line it up around the tin. I find that it works better if you stick the paper in the metal rim at the bottom. It not only looks cleaner but it helps it stay. If you need to cover more of the tin, just cut out a strip of paper to fit the area and tape. It can be the back of the tin.

Trace the top of the tin’s lid and cut it out. You will also need a thin strip of paper to go around the bottom of the lid. Tape the paper to the lid.
You can decorate any way you would like.

Please learn more about Scotch(R) Double Sided Tape and other Scotch(R) Products, and join the conversation on the Scotch(R) Brand Facebook Page
and via Twitter.

I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

I have a giveaway for you.

Ten (10) Winners will each win a roll of Scotch Double Sided Tape.

Main Entry: Tell me what you think of my craft idea

This giveaway will end Friday November 26th at 11:59 pm ET
This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY