Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Secret Life of the American Teenager Volume 3 Review

I have mentioned a couple times before about how much I love watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager. The show is written by Brenda Hampton who also wrote 7th Heaven. I have tuned in and watched every show. I really like it. The Secret Life of the American Teenager is an ABC Family original show about a 15 year old girl named Amy who finds out she is pregnant. She met the guy at band camp and now she is faced with many decisions and choices about what to do as a pregnant teenager and mother. You also follow the lives of Amy’s parents and friends. It reminds me of being in high school again. The show is really well done and is sadly really realistic with what is going on in high schools around the U.S. I own the first two DVD sets so, naturally I was ecstatic about having the opportunity to review the third one.

Amy is now a mother; the episodes discuss what it really is like to be a mom. She is learning the hard way that motherhood is not all cute clothes and pacifiers. She has to juggle school, motherhood, and her boyfriend Ben. The show isn’t just about Amy. There are many other characters that are trying to figure out what to do with the situations they are in. Ricky is John’s father and he has to balance going to school, being a father, working and spending time with his on again off again girl friend Adrienne. Grace is a Christian that is tempted to have sex with her boyfriend Jack. When she does for the first time she is plagued with guilt because a tragedy happens that night. She blames herself for what happened. I don’t want to ruin anymore of the surprises in store on the 3rd volume of The Secret Life of the American Teenager including some really awesome bonus features.

I know that there is a lot of controversy about this show. It is rated TV-14 and I wouldn’t recommend anyone under 14 watch the show. There is a lot of adult language but no more than any other show for teens. I love how they tie moral decisions in and how it doesn’t glamorize being a parent. I think that it would be a great way to open dialogue with your teens by sitting down and watching it with them. If that makes them uncomfortable then maybe watch it in another room or buy the DVD. I think it would be a good idea to discuss the real issues with your children and answer their questions about sex. Please remember that doesn’t mean they are having it. Opening the lines of communication and not brushing the issues under the rug is important. Honestly these things are happening all over the U.S. Kids are having sex and are getting pregnant, even middle school kids.

I highly recommend watching this show with your teenage children. If they want to watch it, then they can ask questions or start a conversation about sex. I know that a lot of adults like to watch it like I do. It is serious but, it also has a lot of humor to it. If you are close to my age you will recognize that Molly Ringwald plays Amy’s mom, Anne. The cast is full of great actors that are blossoming in to big stars. Please check out The Secret Life of the American Teenager volume 3 on DVD in stores now!

Thank you to Walt Disney Studios for the complimentary copy of The Secret Life of the American Teenager volume 3 DVD set for my review.


  1. Never heard of this before! Sounds neat though!

  2. Hi! I enjoy watching this show with my sister who's 20. We really like it. :)

    ConnieJ from Mommysavers

  3. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
