Sunday, April 21, 2013

Watching Old Movies

As you probably know I am a huge movie junkie. My mom isn't really in to watching movies. I have been able to coax her in to watching an occasional movie with me. Most Saturday nights we watch Law and Order on Netflix. We went to the library and I checked out some DVDs to watch. I asked my mom if she wanted to watch Strangers on a Train with me. She agreed. We have watched a couple other black and white movies together. I have wanted to watch Strangers on a Train since I saw an episode of NCIS where DiNozzo talks about it. I of course mentioned it to my mom.

We watched it and it was a great movie. I admittedly was a little scared. We decided we would watch all the Hitchcock movies we could together. Aunt Clara from Bewitched is in it. So is Alfred Hitchcock's daughter, who I decided is a red head. For some reason both my mom and I were both laughing uncontrollably during the most intense scene in the movie. I couldn't stop. I was laughing so hard I was bawling. I also snorted a few times I am sure. I really needed to laugh and for some reason we picked the climax to do so.

After the movie, I turned on NCIS and it was the episode where they talk about Strangers on a Train. I thought that was pretty weird.

Do you like black and white movies? Have you seen Strangers on a Train? What did you think of it?


  1. I do not care for black and white movies or musicals. I think that's why Hubs married me. ;)

  2. I love watching movies - I wish hubby did too :(

  3. I love movies but I haven't seen that one.

  4. I have a rule - don't watch movies that came out before I was born :)

  5. I took a film class about Hitchcock movies and since then I have been a fan.

  6. I do like watching old movies. I have never seen that one though!

  7. I prefer color movies, but there are some good black and white movies that I wouldn't mind watching.

  8. My husband is really into old movies. Me, not so much.

  9. I have not seen strangers on a train - but I love old movies! I miss rainy Chicago days when I would watch them... now I live where it rarely rains. And I feel like I have no time to myself!

  10. I love black and white films, I can literally watch them for hours. My mom (whom I love dearly) introduced them to me at a very young age and I've been hooked every since.

  11. I like old musicals but have to admit I need them all to be in color :P

  12. I haven't seen it but that is so weird that you turned the show on & they were talking about it!

  13. Never seen the film but I do love watching old movies

  14. I don't think I've ever seen Strangers on a Train. I like Hitchcock but I am really into Twilight Zone!

  15. I've never seen it, but I do like black and white movies. However, I have to be in the mood for them.

  16. I do enjoy some black and white movies - I've never seen Strangers on a Train though.

  17. Netflix is my favorite go-to for older movies.

  18. I don't think I've watched Strangers on a Train, but I've heard of it. I really get into movies, too, especially black and white movies. I highly recommend Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Splendor in the Grass, Pinky, Mildred Pierce, The Snake Pit (1948), and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

  19. I've seen every Hitchcock movie... love 'em!

  20. I started watching a lot of Hitchcock, but I haven't seen this one.

  21. I haven't seen that one. I have been watching old movies with my teens, and we just finished Casablanca and On the Waterfront. I will have to add this one to our list!

  22. Oh boy, the Hitchcock movies really give me the creeps,especially The Birds, because I am deathly afraid of birds.

  23. I can go back and do 80's but nothing older lol

  24. I'm not really into black and white films. I don't think I have seen that movie. Glad you enjoyed your time with your mom.
