Showing posts with label Babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babies. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2015

Traveling with a Fussy Baby

Noah is a huge traveler and I started him off young. We went on a long road trip when he was two months old. He enjoyed riding in the car most of the time. Occasionally, he would start to fuss. He didn't want to be in the car anymore. He wanted to stretch and be held by me. It's hard because you just want to hold them. It's not safe to hold a baby in the car, even though it's so tempting. If I could have just held him on long car trips it would have been easier. Thankfully I am creative and have a knack for making up songs. It helped some when we were in the car.

Even just sitting in the backseat isn't enough. I honestly think it can make it harder sometimes. If you have a snugly baby, just touching them is not satisfying. They can see you and almost beg to be held. It makes the temptation to slip them out of the seat worse. You really have to know what to do to soothe your infant in the car. It's important for everyone's sanity especially if you are traveling far. Trust me when I say this: picture it it's like nine pm we can't find our hotel and everyone is tired from driving. Noah starts crying and his toy breaks. This toy is the only thing that is stopping him from crying. I was a new mom as he was two months old. It was time to get creative. I sang rattle rattle thunder clatter boom boom don't worry call the car-x man for a half hour straight.  I tried to only sing it a few times but well Noah really loved it and he was done with the car that night.

I wrote a post about soothing your infant in the car to hopefully help other parents manage long car rides

Friday, May 31, 2013

Pinxav Diaper Rash Cream Review

When Noah was a baby, he would get an occasional diaper rash. I was a first time mom and I wasn’t sure which the best diaper rash cream to use was.  I would just use whichever brand, I had coupons for or that was on sale. It worked pretty well. I remember one of the times Noah had diaper rash, I was out of cream. I asked a friend of mine to please stop at the store and pick some up.  My friend happened to be a guy, who has no children, he asked me what kind and I gave him a few choices, followed by whichever is cheapest. He told me after he went to the store that he asked the pharmacist which one to get.  I thought it was funny because he asked.  He also ended up getting a brand I didn’t know about. I trusted it because of who made it, but it was a very funny conversation.   It really is hard to know which cream works. I learned about a brand of diaper rash cream called Pinxav.   

Pinxav First Aid Cream 

Pinxav was developed in 1927 by Milford Harris along with a dedicated group of doctors and pharmacists, all of whom collaborated to create an effective treatment for diaper rash, a common and painful condition that affects millions of babies every year. In fact, because the sensitive skin of a newborn is no match for a wet, soiled diaper, most babies develop diaper rash at some point during infancy and beyond. The good news is that diaper rashes are rarely serious and respond readily to Pinxav.

 Now that Noah is older he obviously doesn’t have diaper rashes. You can use Pinxav for other things, if your child is no longer in diapers. It works well for chaffing and if you have heat rash. I remember my ex had heat rash from the laptop, and his mom who was a nurse practitioner told us to use diaper rash cream.   It can prevent your skin from cracking and as first aid cream.  Every family can use a good first aid cream.  Not only does Pinxav contain 30% zinc oxide but it also contains a list of extra ingredients that helps heal and soothe the area it is applied to.  Those ingredients are Lanolin, Aloe, Vitamin E, Oil of Clove, Menthol, Eucalyptol, and Petrolatum to name several. They all have their own special reason they are in the Pinxav formula. It is also all natural.
 I think that Pinxav would be a great addition to a new baby gift because you should always have diaper rash cream on hand for those late night diaper rashes when nothing is open and you don’t really want to leave. Pinxav is a must for a first aid kit no matter your age. 

For more information please visit the Pinxav Website

You can buy PINXAV on the Pinxav website in a variety of sizes with FREE Shipping.

Have you ever tried Pinxav before? What do you think?

I am working with Pinxav on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Noah Loves to Wear Hats

Noah has always worn lots of hats. He received a couple knitted baby hats at the hospital when he was born. It is really important to keep a baby’s head warm. A lot of heat escapes from your head. I thought that he looked adorable in hats, so I kept buying different ones.  I would get him holiday baby hats. My favorite was his Santa hat for his first Christmas. He even had a first Easter hat because it had bunny ears. He had little baby baseball caps too. I really like to send hats as a gift to newborns. All newborns look so precious in hats.  I am waiting for some of my pregnant friends to give birth so I can buy baby hats for them from Babski Baby.  My Grandpa always wore a hat.  He had a huge hat collection. It was fun when Noah was a baby to put my grandpa’s hats on him. Of course they were huge but it most of the time my Grandpa had a hat on. He would never wear one to church or out to a nice restaurant.  Noah’s middle name is the same as his first name. It is a great way to pass down his memory to my son.

He has had many hats so far and I don’t expect it to change anytime soon. He took over my only hat and made it his own. It has a seven on it. He doesn’t wear it too often. He prefers his team hats.  He has all kinds of them. His uncle Mike likes to give him hats.  The last time they were here he received a couple new hats.  Noah looks really handsome in them. It’s funny because he won’t wear them backwards. When I wear a hat I wear them backwards because I think they look better. Not Noah, if you put a hat on him backwards. He will automatically switch it around.  I am not quite sure why he does it though.  I think he was told it should only be worn with the bill in the front.  It was probably my mom who told him.  I am sure some day he will think wearing his hat backwards is cool.  I am sure his hat collection will grow a lot in the next few years.

Do your children wear hats?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Parenting is a Lifelong Commitment

I read something about a letter from your parents. It basically said you are still my baby and how much I worry about you and please tell me you are fine.  As a mom I totally understand that, especially when I still call Noah my baby, he says I am your big boy. He is right but I remind him he will always be my baby.  I think you should let your parents know how you are, it is important.  I also think that parents should help their children, even when they are adults.  No one is perfect and sometimes people need help from their mom or dad. I don’t understand the mentality some parents have where they can’t wait until their kids move out, turn 18 or they get as far as possible from their child.  I personally think the moment you become a parent, you are a parent for forever. Your job is not over when your child is not 18 or 21 or moves out.  You cannot retire from parenthood.   You are still required to provide emotional support for your children, be their crutch, be their rock, be the one that they can run to when they need help.

We grow up relying on our parents. That is something we figure out the day we are born. We know that these giant people are our parents and their job is to take care of us and comfort us.  It’s not a learned behavior. I don’t see why that should change when you are an adult.  You are not blessed with all the wisdom and knowledge on your eighteenth birthday, although some people think so. Life is just a series of choices and events and sometimes things don’t work out like we planned.   I believe in someone being able to make mistakes and learn from them, but sometimes you need help.  It might be financially, relationship wise or anything really.  You just can’t turn your back on your child and let them fend for themselves.  You can’t offer them suggestions like telling them they need to do something ridiculous. 

When Noah grows up, I want to make sure he knows he can always come to me for help and emotional support or anything he needs.  I will make sure he knows every day how much I love him, how special he is and how proud I am of him. After all that is what we do for our kids.  I don’t think that just because someday Noah will be an adult that I will turn in my mom card and be done.  Being a parent is truly a lifelong commitment.