Showing posts with label baby powder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby powder. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

Noah and I Are So Alike.

It is so funny to watch Noah. He reminds me so much of me when I was little. If you were in my family you would know about the infamous Here’s Bozo video. I think I even talked about it on my blog before. I said something like Ladies and Gentleman Here’s Bozo and ran in the room over and over and eventually fell down. Recently, Noah was running around the house saying Ladies and Gentleman, Start your engines or something along those lines. Another thing he does is he talks like I did when I was little. On the same video I am sitting in our plastic swimming pool and I ask my mom to get our beach towels and I said We have towels. Noah says we have *insert whatever he is talking about* and he says it the same way I did when I was well his age.

Today, I had a mess to clean up. I am assuming it was payback for the baby powder from when I was little. I dumped a whole bottle of baby powder on myself, my old best friend and all over the room. It was that dreaded Talc kind and I am sure I inhaled a ton of it and I turned out ok. Well, I thought I would be smart and put the baby powder up where Mr. Noah couldn’t reach it. He found some Wilton powdered royal icing that I totally forgot I had bought, it was in a cupcake kit. I guess I should look on the bright side and he only opened one package and not everything. It was a total mess though. Powdered Royal icing all over the counter, the floor, the stove top, and my son who decided it would be fun to make foot prints with it. He also was rolling his trains and fire trucks in it. He also had a whole package of cupcake wrappers strategically placed on the floor. I thought maybe he was trying to make cupcakes or a treat for his mommy. Well needless to say I was not amused. It was kinda funny but it was a pain to clean up. It took forever to sweep it, mop it etc, while not making icing because that would have been a total pain in the butt.

I was reminded of my grandma Rose as I was cleaning it up. We used to make paste for crafts with flour and water all the time. I also remembered doing Paper Maché with my cousin Susie, I think it was Susie. It was a long time ago, if it wasn’t Susie, it was Rory. I can’t count how many crafts we did with my grandma and assorted cousins.

After I cleaned it all up, I sat him down for a talk. He was in trouble. I wanted to know what he was doing exactly. He told me he was making it snow inside. I explained that it doesn’t snow in our house and to not get in to things he knows not to get in to. He doesn’t like to talk about it, because he knew he was in big trouble. He also learned that even mommy got in trouble when she was little. I always follow up time outs and punishments with hugs and kisses and I love yous.

Noah is definitely a character, like I was. I wonder where he comes up with this stuff.
Do you see your children doing the same silly things you did when you were a child? I would love to hear your stories.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Wipes Bandit!

I love my son with every fiber of my being but he has turned in to swiper when it comes to wipes. He will take the wipes from the box and mess up their perfect little factory pressed and folded sheets. Then turn them in to crinkled waded up little balls. Occasionally he rips them up. It drives me bananas. I know I can still use the wipes if I catch it close to the attack. I also know I can just re wet them if they dry out. BUT it is such a pain. I tried to tell him not to do it. That didn’t work. It’s not like he doesn't have any toys. Trust me he has a ton of them. I have been putting the box of wipes on the shelf in the closet out of his reach. Sometimes I just forget! I’m human right? I can forget to put the wipes up.

Now that he is in a toddler bed he has free reign of his room. His room is baby proofed. It just irks me. It’s not the container he wants to play with it is the wipes. He likes to clean his trains and trucks with them. I will give him a couple to use sometimes. Hey it could be worse.... He could have done what I did when I was about his age.

I was two or three years old and I was playing with my best friend at the time. We were in her room. I am assuming we snuck away some how. Then, I had an idea. Well it wasn’t really an idea per say but just something that looked fun. There it was in all its glory a big white container of Johnson’s Baby Powder. It was calling out to me saying play with me, smell me, come on it will be fun. How could I resist? How could anyone resist? So I got it down from the changing table assuming that is where it was. I picked it up and started squeezing and shaking it. I am sure I was laughing so hard. We (really I) left not a speck of baby powder in the bottle. The whole room was painted white in baby powder. My best friend and I were completely covered head to toe in it. It was in our hair it was EVERYWHERE! It was snowing baby powder. I have a picture of it somewhere. Our moms took pictures and talked about it for years. I am surprised we didn’t end up with breathing problems after inhaling all the baby powder in the air. This is why the baby powder I have is up high in the linen closet so Noah doesn’t follow in my footsteps.

So I guess I can be thankful that he didn’t do that.