Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I Love Cats!

As many of you know I am a cat person. When I was in 6th grade my sister and I both got kittens. We have had the same cats for many years. We lost Lucy this January but Lexy is still hanging around. She is such a great cat and she loves to eat her cat food. Now that she is 19 years old she has to eat adult cat food.  I think that the cat food you feed your cat is important for Adult Cat Health. She is very picky about her food and water. There can not be anything in her water and her food can't be wet or she turns up her little nose at it. The other day I was making cookies for Noah's class picnic and spilled water everywhere while cleaning up. I even had water in her food dish and I had to dump it out and dry it before ms Lexy would even sniff it. I have made it Noah's job to feed Lexy and make sure she has fresh clean water. She has always been a grazer and just eats whenever she is hungry.

When I was in high school, there were some cats that lived under our deck. I never did figure out where they can from. They weren't there when we bought the house. Being a loving cat family we made sure they always had cat food and water to drink.  We made sure we fed them cat food that would help their adult cat health because they were outside cats. It was kind of tricky in the winter living in Indiana though. They became our street cats because everyone fed them. In the spring they always had kittens. We didn't touch them or let them inside because of our cats. People ended up taking them in to their homes and loving them. We loved them too. I have always loved cats and used to collect cat things. I had porcelain cats and stuffed cats. I am not really a dog person. Although I want a pug. We have many neighbors with dogs. I hope they are using an anti-allergy pet shampoo because pet allergies are very common. It is very hard to avoid dogs when you are outside here.

Are you a cat person or a dog person?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Guppies, Guppies, Guppies

We have new pets.  After the loss of my beloved Lucy cat, in January, we decided that we would get new pets.  Noah is a fish fanatic. He loves every type of sea creature. Part of that is genetic and the other part is his room is an underwater theme, that I picked when he was a baby.  So, what better pets to get than something that lives in water, honestly I would rather have a tank of seahorses, which I plan on having some day or starfish or some really cool underwater creatures.  Unfortunately, that is not an option right now for many reasons, so we got some fish.  I didn’t want to do the whole aquarium thing because fish, the type I would buy, aka cheap ones, wouldn’t live long enough.  It is big and bulky and just a hassle. I had a fish named Jenny when I was little named after my first best friend and she lived in a fish bowl.   

So, Noah and I went to go pick out some fish. Thank goodness there was a man to help us and give us some advice.  Basically, since I just wanted to get a bowl or tank the fish choices were very limited. We got two kinds of guppies, which happen to be male and female. I guess the guy and  I both forgot to think of that before it was too late.   I guess Noah could open a guppy stand in our yard selling them for 50 cents apiece, if there are a lot of babies.  I have learned that guppies get pregnant vs laying eggs.  Noah was over the moon excited when we got the fish. He told everyone we saw about the fish. I thought he was going to burst.  It was so cute too see him that excited.  He named them, Fish, Fishy Friend, Fishy and Noah. We didn’t assign them a name that’s just their collective names. We have been spending our days watching them swim and making sure I remember to feed them.  I hate cleaning their tank though. Guppies are dirty little fish.

While I was cleaning their tank one night, I didn’t count the fish before I started.  I took out the plant I put in for decoration and went on my way to get the fish out.  I caught three of them and noticed one was missing. I looked all over the floor and counter and couldn’t find it.  I finally found the fish dead stuck in the plant. I am assuming the fish was already dead when I took the plant out because I always swished the plant and it would have swum or jumped out.  I asked Noah how many fish he saw swimming right before and he said three.  I tried to revive the fish but it was gone. I sent it to fish heaven.  I am thinking it was complications during pregnancy because I am pretty sure that fish was pregnant because it was getting really dark in areas.  Of course I didn’t mention that to Noah, it was hard enough for him. 

Noah asked me later about the fish we lost; I said it is in fish heaven with Lucy. He said cats aren’t in fish heaven.  I said oh silly mommy.  He asked me if God is in fish heaven too. I said yes.  Noah said so fish heaven is God’s Aquarium.  I think that is a beautiful thought.

Friday, May 27, 2011

I Really Need a Carpet Cleaner

As a mom to a very active four year old boy, who tends to be a little on the messy side, my carpets are not in the best condition. Throw in two cats that are very old and you have pretty much a disaster. I am of course exaggerating a little, but my carpets are stained.  It is normal for a home to have stains on the carpet after living there for a few years, no matter who you are. Most of them are dirt stains.   I have noticed though with Noah the stains are more frequent and are always interesting substances from anything to dirt to juice to apple sauce.  He is really good about eating in the breakfast area.  We occasionally do camp outs, or he gets to eat in the family room and play restaurant as he likes to call it. 

At times, I spill things too. I think everyone spills sometimes.  Usually it is some food that is pretty messy to begin with.  I remember one time I decided to eat spaghetti on my bed, because I was watching a friends web show and I ended up spilling half the plate of food on my bed.  No use crying over spilled milk or spilled food.  So, there comes a time when you need to use a carpet cleaner.  We don’t own one so we rent one from the store.  It does an ok job. I would love to own my own though because lugging those carpet cleaners are a pain. They are heavy and always hard to fit in your car. I would love not to have to go to the store and borrow one and then bring it back.  I have tried stain removers and haven’t really had much luck with them. Once I knocked over a candle. It wasn’t burning, thank goodness.  It did however stain my carpet when part of the wick came off.  I was able to get that out fairly easily.  Not everyone has carpet in their homes, but I really like the feeling of nice soft carpet on my feet. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Silly monkey story--The tale of Noah and Bluesee!

Here is my Silly Monkey story. It's now Wednesday again but better late than never right?
My cat is named Lucy. I have had her since the summer before I was in 6Th grade. So she is really old. My son Noah loves her. Lucy however runs like a bat out of hell whenever she sees Noah. Noah is always nice to her. She just isn't used to Noah after all these years. Noah loves to pet her and say Nice Kitty. Lucy will let me hold her so Noah can pet her. He will carefully pet her and then pull away over and over again. Tonight I was holding Lucy and she is extremely soft. While Noah was petting her I kissed her. She has been my kitty for 16 years. So I love her dearly. Noah gave her a kiss too. He said I love you bluesee. Nice Kitty. Good kitty. He kissed her a few more times. He told me about how bluesee has ears and cheeks and legs. He loves to share his juice with Lucy too. He will put his sippy cup up to her like she is taking a drink. He loves Lucy so much and gets excited when he sees her