Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2013

Connect 2 Happiness with GaiamTV in 2013

I want to share with you what happiness means to me. It means spending time with my family and friends. Even if I can’t physically be with them, just talking to them makes me happy. My happy place would probably be the beach on a hot day with my son watching him play in the sand or us in the water.  I haven’t always been the most positive person in the past but I am really trying to think happy thoughts. A good way to help me remember to be happy is to use tools to encourage myself to watch videos and learn from others. There is a service called GaiamTV that you can stream videos that encourage you on your path to happiness and health.  Gaiam TV is the first streaming video subscription service designed to reach those interested in health and happiness. With over 2,000 titles, Gaiam TV is like Netflix for the mind, body and spirit!

 Gaiam has started The Connect 2 Happiness Challenge. It is January and the start of a new year. You can make 2013 the best year by participating in the GaiamTV challenge. I watched the video Happy For No Reason and it taught me that I can be happy without having a reason I don’t have to have something happen to be happy. A lot of times we look to other things to make us happy, a raise at work, getting something new but really you can just be and be happy.  I think that I can find happiness in any situation and that it is my attitude that really controls my happiness and that I am control of it. I definitely feel that this will help enrich my life and I will start making sometime to practice what I learn. I will also share these exercises with friends and family. 

GaiamTV’s $9.95 per month subscription fee allows subscribers to stream unlimited content. The subscription to GaiamTV is no strings attached; there is no commitment, and members can cancel at anytime. GaiamTV offers a free 10-day trial. ­Gaiam TV’s entire library of thought provoking movies, top documentary films and fitness videos is available anytime, anywhere.  Streaming capabilities for Gaiam TV include personal computers, iPads and smartphones.

I would love for you to sign up for the GaiamTV Connect 2 Happiness Challenge and check out GaiamTV

This post is sponsored by GaiamTV. My thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

What a Friend is to Me

What is a friend?  This is a question parents are asked by their children at some point. I want to share with you what I think a friend is.  If you would have asked me this before I would have said someone you care about that you hang out with and do things with. In theory that is somewhat true but there is so much more to it. A friend is someone you care about who cares about you back just as much.  A friend is someone you share a bond with. A friend is someone who lifts you up when you are down. A friend is someone who even though they might not completely understand what you are going through or why you feel a certain way about something or someone but they try and understand.  They are the ones that you can run to be it in person, on the phone or even through text and they always know what to say or do to try and make you smile.  Sometimes it just goofy pictures of them sticking out their tongue or a funny joke only you two understand, but it helps.   A friend is someone who does not tear you down.  A friend is someone who you can get in to an argument with and know at the end of the day, you will still be friends.  A friend, a true one, is a lifetime commitment.  People mess up, I do it all the time, but I know that my friends will love me for me and understand that I mess up. Just as I understand that they mess up.

I have shared with you guys before that I have had some toxic friends. These people were not good friends. I thought that they were. I always look for the good in people. That is how I was raised. I can’t stop doing it, but I need to be cautious. I am so lucky to have such wonderful true friends now. It really makes me look back and think wow, those so called friends were not friends at all. Thank you to all my true friends. Without you, I am not sure where I would be. I would name you all but, I would probably forget someone so you know who you are.