Monday, July 22, 2024

Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches


Noah loves to eat ice cream sandwiches. We buy them often for his dessert. I like them too. As a special treat I decided to make him a homemade ice cream sandwich. We had bought some cookies from the bakery so I thought why not. You can also make your own cookies if you want. It's super easy fun and special dessert. 

Here's my recipe:
2 cookies per sandwich
Ice cream of your choice 

Take two cookies and lay the bottom side up. 

Scoop a couple scoops of ice cream on one cookie. 

Put the other cookie on top and roll or sprinkle on sprinkles on the ice cream. 
Place in the freezer and enjoy.

It's best if you use frozen cookies but my stroke of genius was too late for that. It still worked though. The cookie kind of cracked but I smooshed it back together.  I chose sugar cookies from the grocery store bakery and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Any kind of sprinkles will do. Mine are from Christmas. 

I hope you enjoyed this simple and delicious treat recipe. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Delicious Summer Sangria


I occasionally like to have a drink when I am with friends. It's a fun way to unwind and just relax. I found out that I like sangria but I am not fond of red wine. I know it has all kinds of antioxidants and health benefits, it's just not my thing. Red Wine is too full bodied for my palate. 

 Here's a simple and delish Sangria using white wine. I love it because it's light and delicious.

1 bottle Moscato
1 bottle Blackberry Brandy
2 cartons of refrigerated Watermelon juice 
Watermelon chunks 

Combine together in a big pitcher or even a jug with a spout. Stir and let sit in the fridge. The longer nit sits the better it gets.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Old Spaghetti Factory Cotton Candy Drink


We love going to The Old Spaghetti Factory downtown. Noah always gets a delicious cotton candy drink called the Cotton Candy Limeade. He loves cotton candy almost as much as I do. It's his favorite part of going to The Old Spaghetti Factory. My cousin's kids also like the Cotton Candy Limeade. It's a cotton candy flavored drink with cotton candy on the straw. 

I had purchased a snow cone set while we were in Florida. I realized like a week later, I could clone this drink. I had cotton candy snow cone syrup. I am assuming they use a different kind of cotton candy syrup. I thought what the heck and tried it. I found cotton candy on clearance at the store before I had this epiphany. Either way I own my own cotton candy machine.I didn't make cotton candy for the drink this time.


Here's the recipe:
4 tablespoons of cotton candy snow cone syrup. 
Fill with lemon lime soda and ice
Add a squirt of lime juice.
Top with a piece of cotton candy on the straw. 

I had Noah try it and he said it was right. You may have to add more cotton candy syrup if you want it to taste stronger. I made up the recipe so I didn't want to add too much. 

Enjoy and stay tuned tomorrow for another homemade Sheilacakes original clone.