Sunday, May 12, 2024

Delicious Summer Sangria


I occasionally like to have a drink when I am with friends. It's a fun way to unwind and just relax. I found out that I like sangria but I am not fond of red wine. I know it has all kinds of antioxidants and health benefits, it's just not my thing. Red Wine is too full bodied for my palate. 

 Here's a simple and delish Sangria using white wine. I love it because it's light and delicious.

1 bottle Moscato
1 bottle Blackberry Brandy
2 cartons of refrigerated Watermelon juice 
Watermelon chunks 

Combine together in a big pitcher or even a jug with a spout. Stir and let sit in the fridge. The longer nit sits the better it gets.  

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