wrote a post about what is wrong with tv these days and I was thinking
about what shows like Toddlers and Tiaras and Little Miss Perfect teach
little girls. Ok I don't think Little Miss Perfect is on any more. I
know these are not kids shows but there are still commercials for them
and they appear on talk shows and they sometimes cover it on the news. I
am concerned with child beauty pageants anyways. I am sure some people
will argue that it teaches self esteem and blah blah blah. There are
more healthy ways to teach self esteem. There are better ways to feel
good about your self. Beauty pageants focus on outer beauty and they are
forced to wear gobs and gobs of makeup and wear fake teeth called
flippers. They are many times the little girls are dressed in skimpy
little outfits that I would never wear as a grown woman. They look fake.
They are taught to be fake little puppets that are are taught that the
most important thing in the world is to be beautiful and to have the
prettiest face. What is wrong with letting kids be kids? Why not teach
them that they are beautiful without the makeup and the false teeth and
spray tans. Beauty comes from within. It doesn't matter what you look
like as long as you are kind and have a good heart. Beauty isn't
putting on clown makeup and being told by judges that you are the most
beautiful. You don't need someone judging you on your appearance. How
you feel about yourself is what is important. The parents need to stop
brainwashing their children but subjecting their little ones to
judgement and paying for them to be judged. It's almost as if they are
trying to prove to themselves that their child is good enough. Every
child and person is good enough, and no one should have to tell you
that. If you don't believe it, it doesn't matter how many pageants you
have won or how many times you are told a day you have to believe it.
Loving yourself is the most important thing.