Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2011

Counting Down The Days Til Spring!

I really don’t like winter and I can’t wait until spring when it starts getting warmer. I don’t like being cooped up in my house all the time. I guess I get cabin fever. Every year around this time I start thinking about how I need a vacation. Now, that I am a mom I would love to go somewhere warm with some of my friends and just have some girl time. We all work really hard as moms and I think that we all need interaction with our friends. I think it would be fun to go somewhere exotic like Bali with some friends. That would require serious planning and passports of course so it wouldn’t be something we could decide spontaneously. I am going to get my passport soon though, so maybe someday I can stay in a Bali villas rental with my girl friends.

I am really close to my mom’s side of the family. I love how close knit we all are. I hear about family problems and I am so glad that we don’t have those kinds of problems and that we have never taken each other to court over silly things. I think it would be really fun to take a family vacation with all my cousins and kids, aunts, uncle and sister, Noah and mom. That way we could have more than an afternoon to hang out together. We are a fairly big family and I don’t get near as much time with them as I would like. Everyone is pretty spread out over the US. So getting us all together has not happened since my Grandma Rose passed away in 2005 and even then I don’t think it was everyone because my cousin’s wife was in labor during the viewing and had just had her daughter during the funeral. I would love for us to get a section of Bali villa rentals and just spend some quality time together.

If you could go on an exotic vacation where would you go and who would you take with you? Are you close to your extended family?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pippi Longstocking Day

In a post I wrote about my friend Adrianna, I said that I would write a post about Pippi Longstocking Day. We were hanging out at her house. We had a picnic of Papa John’s Pizza and decided to eat it in the woods behind her house. Well we got lost in the woods and thought we would have to live in the woods because we didn’t think we would ever get out. Of course the wood was not that big and we managed to get out of the woods.

Later we decided to clean up the house because it was a mess. Well we decided to run the dishwasher at least. We loaded it up and put in the soap and thought we would go play basketball in her driveway. We shot hoops for a while and came back inside. We noticed that the floor was all wet and very soapy. It looked like something straight out of a sitcom. We figured out that you can’t put Dawn in the dishwasher. It said so on the label but who really reads the label? Not us apparently. Her parents were gone and we didn’t want to get in trouble. See, Adrianna’s parents are very nice but they are also very strict sometimes.

I decided to call the 1800 number and hope and pray for the best. Somehow we managed to get all the soap out of the dishwasher and then we were just left with the mess. The expensive dishwasher was fine. So, being the brilliant young women we are decided to steal a page out of Pippi Longstocking’s playbook and use sponges on our feet and “mop” up the mess. We also used many towels and it was quite comical and scary at the same time. The floor was very slippery and time was ticking away fast. We were also soaked. We were worried that they would come home and find out what happened. We were really worried that we wouldn’t be able to be friends anymore and that we would get in so much trouble. It took what seemed forever to get it all cleaned up. We changed our clothes, so there wasn’t any evidence. We didn’t speak a word of Pippi Longstocking Day to anyone.

I spent the night at Adrianna’s that night. It was a very stormy night, so we decided to sleep in the basement. We were watching TV and playing really late. Her house had a really sensitive security system and they of course had it on, so we had to make sure we didn’t slam doors, or make too much noise. That was nothing new though. As we were lying in bed watching TV at midnight, the doorbell rang. It scared us. Who shows up at someone’s house at midnight? Adrianna’s parents are very respectable and responsible adults so no one would just show up without calling. Someone checked but there was no one out there. That really freaked us out. We managed to be able to fall asleep after such a long and crazy day.

The next morning we woke up to sirens and flashing lights. We found out that a house couple doors down had been struck by lightning. The family had kids that Adrianna was friends with, so we played with them sometimes. It was really scary but thankfully no one was hurt. We found out that when the lightning struck the neighbors house the doorbell rang at Adrianna’s house and wait for it………


The dishwasher we were so concerned about not breaking less than 24 hours before.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Dear Friend Adrianna

I have been blessed with some wonderful people in my life. I wanted to share with you guys about my friend Adrianna. Adrianna and I met when we were in daycare. Yes, that was a long time ago. I haven’t seen her in forever but we had so much fun playing together. I am thankful for Facebook that we are able to still stay in touch now that she is so far away. Adrianna and I always had the craziest ideas. I am not sure which one of us were the brains in the operation, I think that we were both equally responsible for the hair brained ideas we came up with. I remember when we were in daycare, Adrianna told me that she had an elevator in her house and a ton of makeup. Being a young girl I thought that was so cool. Then I went to Adrianna’s house and come to find out the elevator was just a cubby hole in the wall and didn’t move. I know I tried to find the button and her makeup collection consisted of one tube of chapstick, not even lipstick, but chapstick.

We also had a slew of nicknames for each other including Louie and Olive and at one point Squeaky and Frenchy. I remember the reasoning behind Olive and Louie because it was from our middle names but not clue about Squeaky and Frenchie. Throughout the years we had done singing contests, survived the getting lost in the woods in her neighborhood, gone on many adventures and even became sumo wrestlers. One of us, not sure whose idea it was, probably mine because I am weird like that, decided it would be fun to stick pillows under our shirts and tuck them in our pants and fight like sumo wrestlers. So, we would run in to each other full force and bump each other with our pillow bodies. This was long before the days of sumo suits. It was a lot of fun until….she had an asthma attack. I knew she had asthma but this one was a bad attack. We were both sobbing because we were so scared because her inhaler wasn’t working right. Thankfully she ended up being fine. We both decided that we couldn’t play sumo wrestlers anymore and it was pretty dangerous not only could we get hurt but crashing in to each other is a bad idea when someone has asthma.

We must have spent hundreds of nights together giggling at each other’s houses. We even had what we called Pippi Longstocking Day but that is a whole other post because it is a long story. Don’t ask me how many times we played Mall Madness and Party Mania because I couldn’t even tell you. I remember how we used to play bar, of course it was all pretend and didn’t even know what we were talking about. We weren’t really allowed to do it but we did anyways when no one was in the basement. Her dad used to work for RCA and I was invited to some of the events. I used to go to church with her sometimes when I spent the night on Saturday nights. I was very close to her family and she was close to mine. We had a very loving friendship but like any young girls we had our share of fights. We always seemed to make up and it was like the fight never happened we would never hold grudges and forgave whole heartedly. We used to play the gotcha game. One of us would ask if the other could spend the night and if the answer was yes the answer told was occasionally no followed by gotcha. We never said yes if the answer was no though because that was just mean.

I am so glad that I met Adrianna at La Petite so many years ago. She is a very special person and friend and I hold all of our memories together in my heart. I hope sometime we can see each other again. I would love to see her family again too. They are such great people and miss them all.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Check Out This Amazing Blogger and Friend

Everybody is always asking me and other bloggers who their blogging idol is or who they look up to the most? Normally I don’t like to single people out because feelings get hurt and egos get bruised. Most people say it is some really well known blogger but for me it is Mommy Niri. I had the pleasure of getting to know Niri from a PBS Sprout Band of Bloggers telephone conference. She is an amazing person and she is so intelligent. She has a really cool accent too. She was full of great ideas and I knew during that phone call that I wanted to get to know her. I immediately started following her on Twitter and I started tweeting back and forth with her. I really enjoy talking to her.

The world according to Mommy Niri.

She is such a kind person. She is doing all these things to help others and she is such an inspiration to me. She is such a great blogger and an even better person. She is one of those bloggers that truly want to make a difference like I do. I hope I have the opportunity to meet her someday soon. I can’t say enough good things about Niri. She is the blogger I strive to be like; she has such a big heart like I do. I bet we could do a lot of good in this world together. Everyone should check out Mommy Niri’s blog because she is such an awesome blogger and friend.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Boogie Wipes are not just for kids

One of my guy friends texted me and told me that he is sick. I asked him what was wrong? He told me he hates his nose. I texted him back and said Here is a mom tip. Go spend 3 or 4 dollars on a package of Boogie Wipes. He asked me what it is and I explained them to him and told him about how they have saline and how saline breaks up mucus. He sounds interested. I told him how awesome they are. I use them and so does Noah. I actually use the more than Noah does.

So, I want to remind everyone that Boogie Wipes are not just for kids. Adults can use them too. You don't have to have kids to use them, You just have to have a nose. Most people have one so, get some Boogie Wipes. Grape is still my favorite scent. I haven't used a tissue since I first used Boogie Wipes and never will again. They give me the creeps. Especially when you have your nose drippings not stick on the tissue. This is still a product I really believe in and I still think everyone should use them.

PS. When you text the word boogers it is the same letters in congress. I kept trying to type it with the T9 on and it kept putting congress.

This post is written by me because I love Boogie Wipes and wanted to share with you all how much I still love them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Pammie!

Today is also my friend Pam’s birthday. So, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Pammie Happy Birthday to you! If you see Pam make sure you wish her a Happy Birthday or you can leave her some BIRTHDAY WISHES on my blog for her! I love ya Pam. I hope you have a great day. Oh and Pam, Start your blog!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The best thing that anyone has done for me

I am in a nostalgic mood tonight. I am listening to old mix cds I have from 4 or so years ago. I decided to tell you all about the best thing that anyone has ever done for me. I have lost contact with her but I will never ever forget what she did for me. In July 2003 I had a miscarriage. I was devastated completely and utterly devastated. All my life all I wanted to be was a mother. Most girls were playing with Barbies I was playing with dolls. I owned like 3 barbies in my life. They weren’t my thing.

When I was in the hospital, I found out that they do a memorial service at a cemetery where they cremate the baby’s ashes and put them all other and bury them in a cylinder a couple times a year. That was something that I really wanted for my child. It was something tangible to hold on to. I could go visit. It really helped me with my healing process.

In October 2003 I met a girl named Charlene. She was dating a guy that my ex was in a band with. Ok it was more like jam sessions but they called it a band at this point. Charlene came with Caleb to band practice one day. I stayed home and hung out at the apartment. My ex called me and told me about her. She ended up coming over that night. She was crying. Crying really hard. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back and reassured her that everything is ok and we talked. I thought I would never see her again. It was one of those random meetings. I hardly ever went to band practice with him so I just thought oh she was nice. Charlene and Caleb were planning on going to Florida a day or two later.

I had gotten an invitation for the memorial service so of course I wanted to go. We got there and my mom and sister were there and his whole family was there. I couldn’t take it. I was crying so hard I couldn’t see. I was looking down at the ground because I couldn’t look at anyone. I saw a hand give me some Kleenex and I looked up to thank them and it was Charlene. I met this girl one night and she was there for me the moment I needed a friend. I was amazed that she would take time out to be there for me. Especially when they were supposed to be in Florida.

At the end of the service, she and I were joking about hiding in the trunk and going to Florida with them and the guys said we didn’t have to hide in the trunk and we left for Florida at midnight.

After that we were always together. We were best of friends. We did all kinds of things together. We would go on little adventures together. We would stay up late and go to a restaurant for hours. They passed out ribbons at the memorial and she hung hers from her rear view mirror with a message to my child. Every time I saw it I thought about the wonderful thing she did and about my baby.

She had the opportunity to go to Germany for a semester of college and when she came back she had changed. She was like a stranger again. I had hung out with her a handful of times before we just stopped contacting each other. I miss her. We had some really fun times together. People change and times change. I just hope she is happy and all that.
Honk Honk. Beep Beep.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

U-G-L-Y you aint got no alibi

you ugly yeah yeah you UGLY!

I turned 28 on August 29th. My best friend Rene asked me for my mailing address. I of course gave it to her. I thought maybe she was sending me a card. So I got the mail today and I saw that I had an envelope from her in the stack of mail. I was very curious to see what she sent because I love getting mail, especially from a sweetheart like Rene. So I opened it and was like what is this and I looked at it and it was the most ugliest wallpaper in the world.

I have seen ugly wall paper in my day usually in bathrooms and random people’s homes. Not going to single anyone out but man I have seen ugly. This isn’t ugly it is hideous! This is the wallpaper that has been hanging at her work for like over 16 years. She worked there before and it was hanging then and then she moved to South Carolina and it is still hanging today.

I went with her to work one night when I was visiting her and it was quite scary. We talk about how they are really alive and they are doing weird things in the store kind of like in the movie The Witches where the Grand High Witch puts the little girl in the painting and she moved around and grew old and one day she just disappeared.

I love the little gift she sent me. I think I scared my son though cause I was laughing so hard that I couldn’t stop. It really made my week. So Thanks Rene! I love you! Here is a picture of the wall paper and all it’s glory!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Rene!!!

Whew it is LATE and I am exhausted.
I just wanted to write a quick post to say before I hit the hay! That today is my best friend Rene's birthday!
So I just wanted to wish her a happy happy birthday. Rene, I hope your birthday is great. I know last years was horrible. So Enjoy your special day. I love ya girl. You mean so much to me and I am so glad that we are friends. Thanks for being you and being there for me when I need a hug. Through the laughter and Through the tears we will be friends for many years. I hope your birthday is full of happy thoughts.

Sweet Dreams all.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Vacation!

I have been so busy lately. I have been trying to get some things done with my family. I also went on a vacation for 4 days. I went to see my best friend Rene. We had a wonderful time. She is totally the best. I am so blessed to have her in my life. From the moment I arrived I felt just so happy to be with her. The drive down there was pretty fun. I saw the Jim Beam Distillery. I do now have a vast knowledge of Pokemon. Her son showed me and told me about probably 30 of those little creatures. Her children are so adorable. I went to work with her for like 7 hours. It was kinda fun. We spent a lot of time talking about everything while I was there. I learned a lot about different things. We watched lots of movies mainly Kevin Smith movies gotta love me some Silent Bob. Her husband looks a lot like Kevin Smith. Rob is really nice too. He is really funny and interesting. Her son turned 11 when I was there. We had a little party for him. Boy was he proud on his birthday. He would go around and tell people at Wal-mart...It's my birthday. Both of her kids have unique personalities. I went blackberry picking with her kids and now I have 33 bite marks on my legs. I don't know if it was from that or the attempt at geocaching but man do I itch. The saddest part of my trip was going to the cemetery to visit Tommy. I completely lost it. I cried so hard. Rene just hugged me while I bawled. It just made it so real. I also saw Jim Beams grave. You could see it from Tommy's grave. I never knew that Jim Beam was a real person. I wonder if there really is a Captain Morgan. lol. Probably not. It's fun to think about though.

We also went to a place called The Village. It was pretty cool because they were the original buildings that were just moved. We walked around and looked at things. There used to be a Tee-pee. I made the joke that maybe they took it down because people were doing "bad things" in it. Then we saw a pair of Khaki pants on the ground over by where it used to be. That was really funny. On my last night there we went to a place called Buffalo Wings and Rings. We decided that we wanted to have a little girl time together. Rob and her son sat inside and Rene and I sat outside by the bar. We had a drink called Sex on a buffalo. Oh man it was so good. We both tried to google the recipe and we couldn't find anything. It was like a sex on the beach made with Malibu Rum. It wasn't the same as Sex on the beach it was so much better. We kinda think that it was something the bartender made up for us. I learned some new things about Tommy while we were there. We swapped stories about all kinds of things, It was a lot of fun. When we left we went to Kroger and got some brownie mix and made brownies and pigged out. It was a great trip. I was sad to leave but I missed my little boy. I know Noah missed me. He was so excited to see me and I was excited to see him.

Thanks for a wonderful trip Rene. I will return soon!